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Agriculture, skepticism, politics
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Agriculture, skepticism, politics

Hotel, motel, Holliday Inn

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What an unexpected surprise!

I heard a useful quote the other day that agrees with my distaste of the exclamation mark. It was something to the effect of “you only get two exclamation marks to use in your entire life, so be sure to use them wisely.” I guess I have one left.

Anyway, the surprise in question was the free and (gasp) unsecured wireless network inhabiting the entire hotel in which I’m currently writing. It’s quite convenient, actually. Now all I have to figure out is how to remove all the spyware with which my impending installation of Kazaa will fill my the Purple Wave’s laptop.


traffas.farm | auctioneertech.com | aarontraffas.band

Aaron Traffas farms near Sharon, Kansas. When he's not farming, he works for Purple Wave. A 2017 nominee for Songwriter of the Year at the Rocky Mountain CMAs, Aaron is an active singer and songwriter and the Aaron Traffas Band's latest release, 2023's Real Small Town, can be found at iTunes, Amazon and Spotify. Aaron served as president of the Kansas Auctioneers Association in 2017 and on the National Auctioneers Association Education Institute Board of Trustees from 2009 through 2013. An active contract bid caller, he has advanced to the finals in multiple state auctioneer contests.

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