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Agriculture, skepticism, politics
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Agriculture, skepticism, politics

Aaron's tweets for the week

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  • http://twitpic.com/2cp9l – Smirking as I get ready to sing in the quiet room of East Hall studio… #
  • http://twitpic.com/2cpef – Mason Powell, Aaron Traffas and Chris Goering on the back deck of East Hall Recording studio in Fayetteville. #
  • Aaron’s tweets for the week http://ff.im/1F2HF #
  • Auctioneers on Twitter in Bloomington: be sure to use the hash tag #CAI on all your posts! #
  • Just got up from much-needed nap after getting back from recording session Fayetteville. Much left to do tonight…blog posts and pictures. #
  • Baby names http://ff.im/1Fob9 #
  • Re: phpList provides free and easy bulk email list management http://ff.im/1Fxsd #
  • NAA’s Hannes Combest launches blog http://ff.im/1FCs4 #
  • Click here, don’t break the back button http://ff.im/1FDQG #
  • Re: Click here, don’t break the back button http://ff.im/1G1iZ #
  • @Hcombest What course are you teaching tomorrow? in reply to Hcombest #
  • @dreamnotoftoday What was the name of the Indian place to which you took me in the Mission District? in reply to dreamnotoftoday #
  • Trying to get Aaron McKee to use Twitter…everyone follow @cliquidator – maybe he’ll listen to me. #
  • Is anyone else having problems with Twitter and SMS at the moment? #
  • @cliquidator Did you take that picture with your phone?!? in reply to cliquidator #
  • Getting ready to get pummeled. Serious hail headed our way, from the looks of it. http://bit.ly/yCkAc #
  • you should follow @cliquidator, @dreamnotoftoday, and @dpoe. 7 more picks at http://twibes.com/?r=T1 #
  • Hail now starting in Manhattan. #
  • Now the sun is already out. It was hailing five minutes ago. I love Kansas! #
  • Wow…Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope already has a page on Ubuntu Guide! http://tinyurl.com/d8p2ly #
  • @dreamnotoftoday You get a chance to listen to the new song yet? It’s a scratch vocal track…I was pretty stuffed up. Thoughts otherwise? #
  • @dreamnotoftoday Anybody doing any catching yesterday? in reply to dreamnotoftoday #
  • @Hcombest McQuisiton is great. Many of his concepts are applicable to NAA! #CAI in reply to Hcombest #
  • @cliquidator Look who’s a professional Twitter user right out of the starting blocks! #
  • @pgauctioneer is rocking the #CAI hash tag…are you? #
  • Web developer position in Manhattan, KS http://bit.ly/k1l1S #
  • Tweetdeck is by far the best windows client, even if it is based on Adobe Air. icky… http://bit.ly/9w8ty #
  • @dpoe What have you been doing? in reply to dpoe #
  • Done with meetings for today. Going to try to get some coding in today and tomorrow before I leave for Bloomington! #purplewave #CAI #
  • @cliquidator Let me know if you need company…my day wasn’t nearly as good. in reply to cliquidator #
  • Can’t wait to talk about the importance of plain-text email at Indiana University! #CAI #
  • So this will the the first time I’ve not had a vehicle in Indiana. How does one get from the IND airport to the IU Student Union? #CAI #
  • BAS designation – Benefit Auctioneer Specialist http://ff.im/1HTUC #
  • @cliquidator Here’s the link: http://snurl.com/ei5ey #
  • Fantastic article. Facebook should not let users dictate design. re: http://ff.im/1IgVu #
  • LOL…love Phil’s posts. re: http://ff.im/1Iizd #
  • RT @carldcarter53: Houston Chronicle’s laying of 12% of its people – 90 in the newsroom. They’ll..focus on “aggressive online coverage.” #
  • RT @timseley: my grumpy old guy pet peeve #153: if you have my e-mail address then use it… don’t facebook message me #
  • Loading up to head for KCI, then on to IND and Bloomington! Hoping to make the middle of the fun auction tonight. #CAI #
  • @auctionwally how do you define professionally? in reply to auctionwally #
  • RT @dreamnotoftoday: Gerund #failhttp://twitpic.com/2fplf (twitterrific) #
  • http://twitpic.com/2frqz – Why is the Kansas City International airport MCI? #
  • Wheels down at IND…Bloomington, here I come. #CAI #
  • Alley Insider is running story that Twitter confirms subscription accounts on the way. #
  • @dreamnotoftoday The voice of the people is the voice of…a dog? #
  • http://twitpic.com/2gmnu – Class I at #CAI #
  • Auction Podcast Episode 17 – Starting bids for Internet bidding http://ff.im/1JWKI #
  • http://twitpic.com/2h0x4 – just finished teaching at #CAI…they’re taking tests… #
  • Welcome to Fridee. I’m trying to decide if I should catch my could-be-delayed flight or hedge my bets and hitch a car ride back to KS. #CAI #
  • Brazil’s president blames economic crisis on “blue-eyed white people”. Sorry about that. My bad. #
  • http://twitpic.com/2hwft – Marc Geyer addressing the final session a few minutes ago. #CAI #
  • @ericholderness Yes, but it won’t happen for a while. in reply to ericholderness #
  • I follow @cliquidator @hcombest and @themediaisdying #followfriday #
  • RT @carldcarter53 Atlanta Constitution cuts 90 full time news staff, on top of 48 part-timers earlier in week. http://www.overcoffee.com. #
  • Enjoying some lovely Japanese from Naked Tchopstix at the new IND airport. #
  • Boarding Southwest 227 for Chicago and then on to Kansas City. #
  • Still on ground at IND…nearing 30 min past scheduled departure. #
  • Just bounced into Chicago Midway Airport. #
  • Boarding Southwest 227 in Chicago for Kansas City. Flight delayed 15 minutes but not yet cancelled. #
  • Anyone know a Windows Mobile Twitter client that supports search? #
  • ETA at MCI for WN227 is 15:13 CDT. http://www.flightstats.com FTW! #
  • Down at MCI! Manhattan bound…there by 6:30. #
  • Leaving MCI on a west-bound four-wheeler into the blizzard. #
  • Thanks to the nice lady KU grad from Chicago who bought me drinks on the plane. #
  • RT @dreamnotoftoday: “Note to journalists writing about Twitter – we fucking know its 140 characters already.” in reply to dreamnotoftoday #
  • If you’re a publicist or marketer and are using Twitter for someone else or a business, you don’t get it. #
  • Getting ready to root for KU. #
  • Damn you, KU… #
  • I’m playing bass for an ad-hoc show tomorrow night in Kingman, Kan., at the Cocky Fox…a nice, family establishment. Come watch the PUG! #
  • I’m dreaming of a white Easter. #
  • @traffas will have 185 followers in 30 days according to TwitterCounter: http://twittercounter.com/traffas?p=30 #
  • @stbain and the rabbits freeze their balls off. in reply to stbain #
  • Still snowing in Manhattan, Kansas. It started last night. I’m glad I have a four hour drive today through the path of the storm. #
  • Show tonight in Kingman has been canceled. Going to spend the day working on a new web property with possible launch in a day or two. #
  • @mayoauction I’m puttering around today, working on some WordPressing of my own…I’d be happy to provide assistance if you’d like. in reply to mayoauction #
  • Playing with the Twitter API and learning about PHP objects. #
  • @dreamnotoftoday I started using @tweetie yesterday and agree that it’s much better than Twitterific. in reply to dreamnotoftoday #
  • Wahoo!!! RT @OverCoffeeMedia New post: Christian Science Monitor posts last edition http://cli.gs/pAa4VH #
  • @dreamnotoftoday Last print edition. in reply to dreamnotoftoday #
  • @dreamnotoftoday National Guard allegedly activated near Kingman for search and rescue. Melting fast here in Manhattan, a lot left to go. in reply to dreamnotoftoday #
  • Getting ready for last minute benefit auction. “Let them eat cake”. Where can I get a crown, royal robe and sceptor at this hour? #
  • http://twitpic.com/2k0dg – This cake has a roof. I’m not kidding. #
  • http://twitpic.com/2k2nd#
  • http://twitpic.com/2k3ar – Aaron selling cake #
  • I just bought the cake with the roof! #
  • Settling in to watch a movie…new WordPress auctioneer plugins – yes, working on more than one – will have to wait until tomorrow. #
  • Kathleen Edwards – The Cheapest Key http://ff.im/1Now6 #
  • Son Volt – Windfall http://ff.im/1Now9 #


traffas.farm | auctioneertech.com | aarontraffas.band

Aaron Traffas farms near Sharon, Kansas. When he's not farming, he works for Purple Wave. A 2017 nominee for Songwriter of the Year at the Rocky Mountain CMAs, Aaron is an active singer and songwriter and the Aaron Traffas Band's latest release, 2023's Real Small Town, can be found at iTunes, Amazon and Spotify. Aaron served as president of the Kansas Auctioneers Association in 2017 and on the National Auctioneers Association Education Institute Board of Trustees from 2009 through 2013. An active contract bid caller, he has advanced to the finals in multiple state auctioneer contests.

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