Harvest for me is over. It’s bittersweet in that we were only about half done with the project, but my time has run out.
Highlights over the course of the last month include my father teaching me how to play golf, repairing our new semi George, a 10 year high school class reunion, some of the slowest wheat I’ve cut in the last five years and my engine catching on fire while I was cutting less than a week ago.
You can see some of the pictures I’ve taken during harvest with my new Palm Pre phone on my TwitPic feed.
Diane keeps reminding me how tan I am and how much I need a haircut.
The new Aaron Traffas Band – me, Mason and our new bass player Randy – will be playing our first show in Kansas City at a private party on Monday. We’ll be streaming the show live on aarontraffas.com, auctioneertech.com as well as some other possible places so it will be easy for you to tune in and see the fun. What else do you have to do on a Monday night?
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