The details have solidified for Saturday’s Junefest show. The show will start at 8 p.m. at the Peace Treaty Pageant Grounds east of Medicine Lodge on Highway 160, south of the golf course. The tickets – available at the show – will be $5 and will directly benefit Relay for Life.
The show will feature special guest Anthony Farrar. Anthony opened our last show at Mike’s in Medicine Lodge and demonstrated that he’s a very solid performer with some good originals.
On an unrelated matter, as I was investigating the exact layout of the pageant grounds, I checked and was surprised to find that Google Maps is now sporting high resolution satellite imagery of Barber County. I started looking for our fields and as I was panning towards Sharon, I found the following image.

Now I’m not criticizing – I’m sure the farmer (a friend) had good reason for random-looking patterns. He was most likely preventing the dirt from blowing or trying to find a place that wasn’t too wet to work. The point is that no longer is the way we work fields a private matter. Google’s incorporation of this kind of imagery means that our farming habits are now available for all to see.
The secrecy with which Barber County folks have held this kind of information is a custom I never could figure out.
Farming the *same* kind of land right next to each other, farmers will keep information absolutely useful to everyone in the county secret to the benefit of fucking *no one*.
Farming needs open source.
The secrecy with which Barber County folks have held this kind of information is a custom I never could figure out.
Farming the *same* kind of land right next to each other, farmers will keep information absolutely useful to everyone in the county secret to the benefit of fucking *no one*.
Farming needs open source.