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Agriculture, skepticism, politics
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Agriculture, skepticism, politics

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-14

| Posted on
  • Oranges http://bit.ly/cxcjiq #
  • News Math http://bit.ly/bwJ5CN #
  • I'm at Purple Wave in Manhattan, KS http://gowal.la/s/2shC #
  • Really excited about the Coffee Party – trying to hold the Tea Party accountable for the damage it causes. http://bit.ly/b0qcAT #
  • Jesus saves after every level http://bit.ly/c8D8Eb #
  • Xobni is malware. #
  • Using a Blackberry to get Internet is like using tin cans and a string to talk on the phone. #
  • @traffase Is that at the end of the river Knapp? in reply to traffase #
  • Did Microsoft Security Essentials just update? #
  • I confirm an update for Microsoft Security Essentials…get yours while it's hot from Windows Update! #
  • is watching House #
  • is watching 24 #
  • Try not to laugh at this Cookie Monster http://bit.ly/97xa7b #
  • Wednesdee! @ Purple Wave http://loopt.us/CC5Hng.t #
  • Biggest procrastination aid? The calendar. #
  • Google Apps Marketplace? YES! http://www.google.com/enterprise/marketplace/home #
  • Cory Branan – Troublesome Girl http://ff.im/-hi9yD #
  • Drag The River – Brookfield http://ff.im/-hi9yF #
  • Son Volt – Loose String http://ff.im/-hi9yB #
  • likes GBTV #719 (HD) | Rapportive, World's Smallest Computer, Panasonic G2 & G10, Kojiro Robot on Boxee http://bit.ly/dC46zi #
  • is watching College Basketball #
  • Power Wheels http://bit.ly/a3WCb0 #
  • Mindmeister, please keep your confusing multidimensional outlines to yourself and stop nagging me to use them in Apps and everywhere else. #
  • @joelpruett Nice article. New Northwest played before a benefit auction I did on Saturday and were pretty good. in reply to joelpruett #
  • Chile gets another 7+ earthquake? There's not going to be anything left! #
  • RT @timseley: http://twitpic.com/17xrp2 – Big XII time… Boo yah! #
  • It's another V8 lunch. Thursdee. #
  • That's me! // RT @laughotron: I just told a joke to someone in PRATT #
  • Google Apps http://ff.im/-hlr1j #
  • Kasey Rausch – Grassroots http://ff.im/-hlr1r #
  • RT @cnnbrk: School sued for canceling prom rather than letting lesbian couple attend. http://on.cnn.com/aC4GGi #
  • RT @traffase: is unceramoniously defenestrating her printer! May it go straight to hell. #
  • RT @laughotron: Stereo sucks. That's why Laugh-o-Tron comes to you in full, rich mono. #
  • Oh, no. My fiancee isn't home yet. Guess I'm going to have to make some pizza and French fries. #
  • Armchair Martian – Mexican Song http://ff.im/-hlSzR #
  • is watching College Basketball #
  • Killigans St Pats Video FINAL.mov http://ff.im/-hm39Q #
  • Samuels has 21 points for K-State in the first half…and he's not a starter. #
  • Ahhhh old email forwards. http://bit.ly/cFWFw1 #
  • Katie, bar the door. It's Fridee @ Purple Wave http://loopt.us/4lk3sg.t #
  • RT @OverCoffeeMedia: Howell Raines: Real journalists should speak out on Fox and Roger Ailes' slanted #journalism http://ow.ly/1i0SU #
  • My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Lucero (45), Slobberbone (23) and Two Cow Garage (15) http://bit.ly/9p4z1m #
  • Few things are more frustrating than someone calling your mobile before trying your office line first. #
  • RT @proxibid: For real…bid March 18 for the most notorious domain name in history , Sex.com! Register to bid at http://www.proxibid.com/maltz #
  • RT @cnnbrk: Federal "vaccine court" rules parents have not proved vaccine caused autism http://on.cnn.com/ayearR #
  • I'm at So Long Saloon in Manhattan, KS http://gowal.la/s/3DMM #
  • @ksuspud where you watching the game? in reply to ksuspud #
  • My allegiance is to Kansas the state, not only Kansas State. Go KU! #
  • Love the Old Spice commercials, if not so much the product. #
  • We have to put up with Bob Knight AGAIN? #
  • RT @luke_wempe: Another from Bob Knight "unless they go down by 3-4-or 5, A&M has a chance to stay in this down to the wire" #ncaa #BigXII #
  • The ignorance of the Tronixcountry spokespeople somehow comes through the TV and hurts me. #
  • Doing a little freelance WordPress work while waiting for the game to start. Go K-State! #
  • Looking pretty good for K-State. Tomorrow's Big 12 championship is going to be good! #
  • Fun With Fire Escapes http://bit.ly/9SPtyL #
  • Willie Nile's "Streets of New York" came across my last.fm and I would have put up real money that it was Bob Dylan. #
  • I love that the pilot episode of Star Trek had an honest-to-god printer on the bridge. #
  • I couldn't agree more. // "Facebook is the AOL of this decade." -Leo Laporte #
  • is watching College Basketball #
  • I don't know if I can handle another Bob Knight night – or Mossberg saying "three ball" #
  • Bobby Knight is annoying.#kubball (via @jrey5) #
  • http://twitpic.com/18ewph – big xii time everyone… Woooooo! (via @timseley) #
  • New rule: more than one auction-related tweet in a row? Unfollowed. #
  • WTF? Conan is coming to @rev3? Is this for real?! (via @dN0t) #
  • Just purchased some podcasts – http://bit.ly/dnN2ad #
  • A Sunday afternoon with Mike O'Meara Show Raw – http://bit.ly/6KghKp #

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traffas.farm | auctioneertech.com | aarontraffas.band

Aaron Traffas farms near Sharon, Kansas. When he's not farming, he works for Purple Wave. A 2017 nominee for Songwriter of the Year at the Rocky Mountain CMAs, Aaron is an active singer and songwriter and the Aaron Traffas Band's latest release, 2023's Real Small Town, can be found at iTunes, Amazon and Spotify. Aaron served as president of the Kansas Auctioneers Association in 2017 and on the National Auctioneers Association Education Institute Board of Trustees from 2009 through 2013. An active contract bid caller, he has advanced to the finals in multiple state auctioneer contests.

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