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Agriculture, skepticism, politics
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Agriculture, skepticism, politics

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-23

| Posted on
  • 1996 Dodge Neon | Wednesday May 26 Midwest Internet Only Auction http://traff.as/neon #
  • ♺ @dN0t: RT @chrismessina: Unicorns are weaponized ponies. #
  • Strip mining prevents forest fires | Tuesdee at Purple Wave http://loopt.us/Uiz4mA.t #
  • Armchair Martian – Break Your Frame http://ff.im/-kwxVa #
  • Buses should have two s's in the middle. #
  • ♺ @dpoe: RT @USATODAY Non-profit Panera cafe: Take what you need, pay what you can http://bit.ly/bGrTa8 #
  • Heading home to change wheel bearings in my pickup. #
  • @dN0t That's 170 lbs. of *empty* boxes? in reply to dN0t #
  • Two Cow Garage – Folksinger's Heart http://ff.im/-kxDUk #
  • Google I/O: The relaunch of Wave – no invitation necessary | ZDNet http://traff.as/J4 #
  • Google just open-sourced VP8 video codec. This will light a fire under the HTML5 video migration. #
  • Hey dude from Opera – get off the Google stage and get back to working on Opera 10.5 on Linux! #
  • Fresh on AuctioneerTech: Google I/O day 1 – WebM, Wave and Chrome Web Store http://traff.as/J5 #
  • In tears right now as I'm forced to install Adobe Reader. Curse you, Geico, for non-standard PDF usage! #
  • GNOME Volume Manager http://ff.im/-kAoPe #
  • GNOME Desktop Item Edit http://ff.im/-kAoPc #
  • Adobe Director http://ff.im/-kAoPb #
  • GNOME Screenshot http://ff.im/-kAoPf #
  • Alacarte (Menu Editor) http://ff.im/-kAoPd #
  • Tomboy http://ff.im/-kAoPa #
  • Whoa! Wakoopa bomb! Guess I forgot to turn off auto-tweet when installing on a new distribution. #
  • I'm at La Fiesta in Manhattan, KS http://gowal.la/c/MbLM #
  • http://bit.ly/bKp8Yi #
  • Mr. Cronkite, it’s 2010 calling. http://is.gd/cgZo1 #
  • Fresh on AuctioneerTech: DNSCog reports on your website’s domain name servers http://traff.as/J6 #
  • Have you bid on a Neon today? http://traff.as/neon #
  • @TallgrassBeer http://twitpic.com/1peqny – Makes me want to stop working this second. #
  • Gearing up for the Google I/O live stream, starting in 8 minutes. http://www.youtube.com/user/GoogleDevelopers #
  • Android "Intents" introduced in Froyo look awesome! Loving the digs at Apple and their head-fake towards real notifications. #
  • Android 2.2 Froyo to have tethering and portable hotspot capabilities. #
  • Android hotspot wifi demo: "Now, we'll go to another device that doesn't have connectivity – how about that iPad?" lol #
  • Javascript speedtest on Froyo's browser just crushed the iPad in a live demo. #
  • Froyo to support instantaneous, over-the-air application installation from a desktop browser. #
  • Niiiice. Android 2.2 Froyo to support wireless real-time music streaming from users' complete iTunes/Windows music catalog. #
  • @jdschultz Haven't said anything about release schedule, but now that most all phones are up to 2.1, I'm guessing most phones will get it. in reply to jdschultz #
  • @jdschultz I'm guessing they'll start with Nexus One, Incredible and Moto Droid first. in reply to jdschultz #
  • Google TV! #
  • @jdschultz Still on Moto Droid. Drooling for an EVO, though. in reply to jdschultz #
  • Google TV demo crashing pretty hard: Google TV + wired keyboard FTW. #
  • Million dollar question: Will Google TV require hardware or can it be installed in an existing media center PC? #
  • Google TV to be Android-powered and support existing Android Market applications. #
  • @dn0t How will Google TV's support of the existing Android Market applications affect the Boxee app development landscape? #
  • YouTube Lean Back announced – a remote-control based version of YouTube that looks a lot like Google Play. #
  • @dN0t Agreed – everything else makes it looks like a Windows Media Center with better web integration, but the app support is impressive. in reply to dN0t #
  • Google TV implements media key functionality – biggest problem with Boxee is that play/pause/stop buttons don't always work correctly. #
  • I want Google TV, but not if it means I have to have a Sony device in my living room. Glad Logitech offers an alternative. #
  • Google CEO about as wrong as possible when he says "Flash is used by 100% of the web" – idiot. #
  • @djpizzle Going with yourls? in reply to djpizzle #
  • Having withdrawals. Lala.com shut down, now last.fm is experiencing an outage – what do I do for music? Pandora? Nope. Silence it is. #
  • Downloads http://ff.im/-kExag #
  • SamsungPST Application http://ff.im/-kEIEw #
  • Watching Men Who Stare at Goats. Heard good things about it. #
  • @jdschultz @overcoffeemedia Pandora doesn't have good music, and the last.fm desktop client is amazing. Pandora also lacks scrobbling. in reply to jdschultz #
  • Two Birds With One Stone http://is.gd/ciplc #
  • My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Lucero (10), Two Cow Garage (10) and Drag The River (9) http://bit.ly/9p4z1m #
  • Yes! Last.fm desktop app back up and running this morning. #
  • Loving the free, ad-free music provided by last.fm – plus more, better artists than the big-label-only offerings from Pandora and the like. #
  • @mayoauction Love the drop-downs! :D Seriously, it looks really nice. in reply to mayoauction #
  • YES! YES! YES! Old 97's AND Lucero in KC on July 29! http://traff.as/J7 #
  • @dpoe I know. Polling friends now to see if anyone wants to go with us. in reply to dpoe #
  • @OverCoffeeMedia I guess I haven't tried the last.fm client on Windows. It runs like a champ on Linux, Android and iPhone. in reply to OverCoffeeMedia #
  • @MikeBoesker Gowalla's new Droid app allows picture posting with checkins! in reply to MikeBoesker #
  • Photo: El Wave — at Purple Wave http://gowal.la/c/MyrS #
  • I just beat PAC-MAN on Google.com on the first try. Have you? #
  • ♺ @ginatrapani: if you click the "Insert Coin" button twice on the Google homepage, you get 2-player–with Ms. Pac-Man! #
  • Randy Rogers Band – They Call It The Hill Country http://ff.im/-kHXk8 #
  • Cory Morrow – Live Forever http://ff.im/-kHXk9 #
  • ♺ @TallgrassBeer: RT @SmashburgerGKC FOUR DAYS until @SmashburgerGKC opens in Manhattan! Local @TallgrassBeer will be served daily! #
  • Robert Earl Keen – Think It Over One Time http://ff.im/-kIpRG #
  • Juggling multiple Google accounts is getting harder, not easier as Google promised. Clicking links in Google Apps should stay in Apps. #
  • If I'm on the front page of a site, why would hovering over the company's logo change it to a huge "return home" button, obscuring the logo? #
  • Fresh on AuctioneerTech: gimmeauctions.com enters Internet auction calendar fray http://traff.as/J8 #
  • The Great Divide – Deliver Us http://ff.im/-kIzZX #
  • I'm at Braum's in Mcpherson, KS http://gowal.la/c/MH7u #
  • I'm at Blue Goose in Sharon, KS http://gowal.la/c/MKxY #
  • I'm at The Blue Goose (102 main, sharon). http://4sq.com/crIQKC #
  • Johnnie. Walker. Blue. #

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traffas.farm | auctioneertech.com | aarontraffas.band

Aaron Traffas farms near Sharon, Kansas. When he's not farming, he works for Purple Wave. A 2017 nominee for Songwriter of the Year at the Rocky Mountain CMAs, Aaron is an active singer and songwriter and the Aaron Traffas Band's latest release, 2023's Real Small Town, can be found at iTunes, Amazon and Spotify. Aaron served as president of the Kansas Auctioneers Association in 2017 and on the National Auctioneers Association Education Institute Board of Trustees from 2009 through 2013. An active contract bid caller, he has advanced to the finals in multiple state auctioneer contests.

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