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Agriculture, skepticism, politics
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Agriculture, skepticism, politics

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-08

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  • RT @marisa_KSU: @traffas Lucas's music is on iTunes! EXCITEMENT!! #
  • @dN0t We should get the President in a few minutes that will hopefully trump at least one of those feeds. #
  • @jivetownjimmy That or Bin Laden is dead. #
  • Yeeha, Jester's dead! #topgun #osamabinladen #
  • Some board-op at the Topeka CBS affiliate keeps pushing the commercial button and then toggling back to #binladen coverage. #fired #
  • Just opened my first bottle of Cardhu…worth it for tonight. #
  • And fail whale in 5….4…..3…..2….. #
  • Press conference finally getting ready to start – glad they took their time to get it right….hopefully. #
  • Bamf. It's been a while since I've been this proud of our president…here's hoping for a 10 point bump. #
  • @dN0t Hear there are firefighters marching to Ground Zero. Wish I were with you tonight. #
  • The trouble with Dr. Oz http://bit.ly/lpDTSZ #
  • “Motivated reasoning,” alternative medicine, and the anti-vaccine movement http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/?p=12092 #
  • 18 hours in with the new version of Ubuntu and I'm digging the Unity interface. Best hardware compatibility yet – no mods for wifi required. #
  • @dN0t I'm still a believer in the full install upgrade method, so that might have something to do with it. #
  • @dN0t I suppose it's not required, but it feels nice to know there aren't any borked configuration attempts still lying around from the past #
  • @dN0t In-place upgrade of my Ubuntu server went smoothly. #
  • @dN0t I also dual boot Windows 7 for Steam, so I guess I'm always a little afraid it's going to do something to Grub that will break Windows #
  • loved Search and Backup Tools for Twitter and Facebook GeekBeat.TV on Boxee http://bit.ly/ilWwvg #
  • Getting used to giving up Docky on the bottom of the screen in favor of the Unity dock on the left is going to take a while. #
  • P050111PS-0210 [pic] http://ff.im/-CuFsc #
  • The Death of Osama bin Laden Roundup http://bit.ly/kWcb3g #
  • @dN0t They didn't get wrapped up into Rackspace Cloud? #
  • Great Divide is “getting the band back together!” http://traff.as/rC #
  • The Hold Steady – Yeah Sapphire http://ff.im/-Cz20q #
  • European Union “Ban” On Herbal Products http://bit.ly/mMlD8f #
  • @dN0t @joshuacjacobs You have to ask? When and where? #
  • @jdschultz @ryplane QR codes always seemed like a kludge, and it felt like they were taking away the importance of a short, memorable domain #
  • @dN0t You down already? Going straight to the BC? #
  • @dN0t Yep. #
  • Two sites in an hour that wrongly detect Opera 11.10 as Opera Mobile and give me a crappy mobile version on my 30" monitor. Nice. #lazydevs #
  • loved Lifehacker Untangle Your Life Lifehacker on Boxee http://bit.ly/fFpFdC #
  • Anyone know why the Firefox <audio> controls suck so much? #
  • My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Two Cow Garage (108), The Hold Steady (65) & Lucero (63) http://bit.ly/9P1d2t #
  • In case anyone needs another reason to hate IE, preload="none" breaks the <audio> tag in IE9. #
  • The Hold Steady – First Night http://ff.im/-COjJd #

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traffas.farm | auctioneertech.com | aarontraffas.band

Aaron Traffas farms near Sharon, Kansas. When he's not farming, he works for Purple Wave. A 2017 nominee for Songwriter of the Year at the Rocky Mountain CMAs, Aaron is an active singer and songwriter and the Aaron Traffas Band's latest release, 2023's Real Small Town, can be found at iTunes, Amazon and Spotify. Aaron served as president of the Kansas Auctioneers Association in 2017 and on the National Auctioneers Association Education Institute Board of Trustees from 2009 through 2013. An active contract bid caller, he has advanced to the finals in multiple state auctioneer contests.

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