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Agriculture, skepticism, politics
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Agriculture, skepticism, politics

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-15

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  • New post | Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-08 | http://traff.as/rF #
  • @dN0t IMAX at 21st and Tyler #
  • Vaccines and infant mortality rates: A false relationship promoted by the anti-vaccine movement http://bit.ly/meQVpk #
  • Sick of being sick. #
  • Kansas Public Radio let me down with their story on chiropractic (crap) and CAM this morning. #nofacts #woo #antiscience #onesided #wrong #
  • A letter to KMUW – http://t.co/qsPRydR #
  • Hey @unifiedscene – you can take "The Weekenders" and shove it. I haven't slept for three nights straight and that song is all I think about #
  • Boxee Outs The Boxee Box 1.1 Firmware, Revamped Browser And New On-Screen Controls Highlight The Update http://bit.ly/kHDwdZ #
  • Blues Traveler – Run Around http://ff.im/-Dak9S #
  • @dN0t you watching the Yankees down at home to KC in 10th? #
  • Thanks! RT @craigmstensaas @traffas and @LucasMaddy Sounded great at Pat's last night! A good time was had by all!! #
  • RT @kmtraffas Loving tonight. Yankees are getting killed by the Royals. #
  • Sleazy PR Firm Throws Scummy Facebook Under The Sordid Bus http://bit.ly/ihJRn8 #
  • My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: The Hold Steady (65), Two Cow Garage (28) & Lucero (19) http://bit.ly/9P1d2t #
  • I'm at Fred Bramlage Coliseum (1800 College Ave, Kansas State University, Manhattan) w/ 8 others http://4sq.com/kYS5yd #
  • So refreshing to hear a music major sing the national anthem – that's how the words are supposed to be pronounced. #pride #ksu #graduation #
  • Holly @hvanskike graduates! http://yfrog.com/h2rm7lcj #
  • True. RT @dN0t Don't know why, but Palin's jackassery incenses me while Trump's jackassery delights me. #
  • Steve Novella and Banachek on Power Balance bracelets http://bit.ly/lZu6a7 #

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traffas.farm | auctioneertech.com | aarontraffas.band

Aaron Traffas farms near Sharon, Kansas. When he's not farming, he works for Purple Wave. A 2017 nominee for Songwriter of the Year at the Rocky Mountain CMAs, Aaron is an active singer and songwriter and the Aaron Traffas Band's latest release, 2023's Real Small Town, can be found at iTunes, Amazon and Spotify. Aaron served as president of the Kansas Auctioneers Association in 2017 and on the National Auctioneers Association Education Institute Board of Trustees from 2009 through 2013. An active contract bid caller, he has advanced to the finals in multiple state auctioneer contests.

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