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Agriculture, skepticism, politics
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Agriculture, skepticism, politics

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-17

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  • OH: Levis jeans are made out of packing material. #
  • New post | Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-10 | #
  • @dN0t What browser are you using? I have no problems with a Gmail and an Apps account open simultaneously. #
  • The "swap Fn and CTL keys" option in the BIOS makes this Lenovo keyboard usable. #
  • If only my yard were big enough | http://t.co/2tTjwQi #
  • WordPress Now Powers More Than 50 Million Sites http://bit.ly/pgmUF3 #
  • Day 3 of ATS tomorrow and then it's all NAA convention for the rest of the week. Orlando is hot and humid, though… http://fb.me/RSpgYNlC #
  • Michael Shermer may be the most important guest I've ever seen on Colbert. I'm so glad when I get to see science explained well in public. #
  • It should be a felony to sell flavored coffee in container marked 100% Columbian. #
  • Canola harvest, 2011 http://ff.im/-HPF7Y #
  • Bryan Knox just crushed the national anthem. #proud #naa #csorlando #
  • Streaming live from NAA Conference and Show in Orlando. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/conference-and-show #naa #csorlando #
  • The cookies being given out by @liveauctions are dope. Thanks, HendersonAuctions – I want the recipe! #naa #csorlando #
  • Why is it OK for people to see me checking Twitter but I hide my Facebook like I'm afraid they'll think I'm a 15 year old girl? #
  • Streaming live from Orlando, the National Auctioneers Association Annual Business Meeting http://bit.ly/qy4CF8 #naa #csorlando #
  • RT @midmoia I heart Christie King standing up as the new NAA President. #gogrrrl #naa #csorlando #
  • .@christieking giving address as first woman president of the National Auctioneers Association #naa #csorlando #
  • @EricaHops I'll invite you when I get to a computer, but it may be later today. #
  • Waiting for white smoke. #naa #csorlando #
  • .@ryplane Ryan George starting his presentation in Caribbean VI. #naa #csorlando #
  • RT @dN0t It seems no one at TSA wants to touch my junk. Bummer. #
  • @ryplane Your presentation was fantastic…sorry I had to run to another thing so fast afterwards…hope to catch up soon. #naa #csorlando #
  • String quartet playing Hendrix, Smoke on the Water, and other Disco classics. #naa #csorlando #
  • Him: "You know how I got an iPhone?" Me: "Did you trip and fall?" #
  • #lastfm Artists: Leo Laporte, Gina Trapani, and Jeff Jarvis (2), Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Iyaz Akthar, Jason Howell (2) & Leo Laporte and #
  • Roger Hansen and @cliquidator Aaron McKee starting in Boca V talking about Internet Ag auctions. #csorlando #naa #
  • RT @midmoia I have a theory about the IAC. It's like a pageant with REALLY specific talent requirement and no tiara. #csorlando #bettybotter #
  • Thanks, Carl! // RT @MediaGuyCarl Aaron @Traffas just blew away the room w/ his Advanced Tech seminar at #NAA Best of show. #csorlando #
  • @lucasmaddy Have a good first show, rock star. #
  • I never respected the Expert Traveler line at an airport. Let's just say there are advantages in Orlando that don't exist in Wichita. #
  • So burnt out after a Week in Orlando, I can't bring myself to even read the news. So glad I'm flying with @mikeomearashow and Robo Defense. #
  • Wichita must be the only airport with new lawnmowers on display. #ilovemyhomehilljackairport #
  • Florida was definitely cooler than I find Wichita. 90 degrees at nearly 11 pm. Suck. #
  • Finally home. @ ICT Wichita http://gowal.la/c/4BEke #
  • @pgauctioneer You'll love Robo Defense in HD when you get your Android tablet! #
  • "GOOGLE+" http://t.co/jECZwTy via @verydemotivated #
  • @hootsuite You should fix your http://hootsuite.com/pro page – there's no scroll bar on Opera, so it only shows what's above the fold. #
  • In studio with @lucasmady today, making sure he records his songs correctly. Honored to get to lay down a guitar track on his CD. #

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traffas.farm | auctioneertech.com | aarontraffas.band

Aaron Traffas farms near Sharon, Kansas. A 2017 nominee for Songwriter of the Year at the Rocky Mountain CMAs, Aaron is an active singer and songwriter and the Aaron Traffas Band's latest release, 2023's Real Small Town, can be found at iTunes, Amazon and Spotify. Aaron served as president of the Kansas Auctioneers Association in 2017 and on the National Auctioneers Association Education Institute Board of Trustees from 2009 through 2013. An active contract bid caller, he has advanced to the finals in multiple state auctioneer contests.

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