- What stain of a designer at Netflix thought that horizontal scrolling would be a good interface? #fail #
- Hey, @boxee, is there any way to put episodes of a series in order in the Netflix app? #
- New post | Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-07 | #
- Fun With Math of the Day http://bit.ly/rinPcA #
- I just unlocked the "Century Club" badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/oPG3OK #
- OH: "Accounting should be boring. It's when accounting becomes exciting where you know you have a problem." #
- @MikeOMearaShow I just got hiccups from laughing so hard at a bonus show. #
- @dN0t "No one wins at violent shows." #
- @dN0t Hold Steady lyric. I wouldn't know. You'll have to take me to one when we come visit next year sometime. #
- @rachelyohe You seem to be tolerant with your own capitalization, though. #
- "Blackjack's headshot" 21 OF HEARTS http://bit.ly/rkFUJr #
- STOP! IT MAKES MY BRAIN CRY. http://bit.ly/nLgDmf #
- @rachelyohe Not nearly as bad as the "U/are" combo fail. #
- Using a pound sign to represent the word "number" is like a lazy texting teen who uses the number 2 to represent the word "to". #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/sBH_fN-wb6c?a Auctioneers Designation Academy in Vegas #
- That's an even more vulgar use of the pound sign since it's lazy AND redundant. // RT @jdschultz: @traffas or sn# or vin#… Ugh! #
- My Top 1 #lastfm Artists: Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Iyaz Akthar, Jason Howell (4) http://bit.ly/9P1d2t #
- Born after 1976? You’ve never experienced normal global temperatures http://t.co/62os0dG (via @summify from @EricaHops) #
- Trailer house flipped in the wind less than a half-mile from my house. Many trees down and it seems Sprint gave up. Hoping for power soon. #
- There are FOUR lights! #
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