- New post: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-20 http://traff.as/rh #
- Sprint Makes Switching to Google Voice Dead Simple with Number Integration [Video] http://bit.ly/h9Up4e #
- xkcd radiates http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/BadAstronomyBlog/~3/lVPlshzVEd4/ #
- Android Market http://ff.im/-zwFEW #
- Re: Twitter to Facebook http://ff.im/-zxqpV #
- @MediaGuyCarl Yeah, it does. Must be something wrong with Disqus > Friendfeed > Twitter path. #
- My wife found my auction purchase. http://t.co/fZxJSiV #
- Certified Auctioneer Institute Auction Catalog – CAI 2011 Fun Auction http://t.co/VT1kaFF via @proxibid #
- Bloomington, Indiana, here I come. #
- Give me ambiguity or give me something else! #
- CAM and Evidenced-Based Medicine http://bit.ly/f0Bp0T #
- Never seen so many guitars at an airport before. I feel out of place without one. #
- NCAA Selection Committee Announces Sweet 16: 'It's The Teams That Won Last Weekend' http://bit.ly/gGAWHc #
- Why is it that Seesmic is the only Android Twitter client that can properly handle a share from Google Reader? #
- Boarding AA1848 from DFW to IND. #
- Boxee iPad App To Enable Streaming from iPad to Your TV or PC http://bit.ly/gMe9gK #
- New post: Shatner sings FU http://traff.as/ri #
- My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: The Mike O'meara Show (14), Whiskeytown (7) & Two Cow Garage (6) http://bit.ly/9P1d2t #
- I never thought I'd be driving a prius when I woke up this morning #
- I'd like to send a big thank you do united airlines for borking my flight today. #
- pulling over now so I can figure out how to drive this prius #
- I'm excited to play "find the engine" on the Prius before I return this morning. #
- Five Things Facebook Should Fix Immediately http://bit.ly/en2ggg #
- Skepchick Quickies 3.24 http://bit.ly/dHK4VR #
- Goodnight, Swoopo: The Pay-Per-Bid Auction Site Is Dead http://bit.ly/fvIFIy #
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