Tour Sierra

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I’m selling my Mazda to pay for a guitar upgradeIf this weren’t so nerve racking it’d be laughable

Hunter, KS

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Late breaking newsI’m playing tonight in Hunter, KS at Vera’sWe’ll do our best to add another chapter to the Aaron’s and Trevor’s 2004 Fun With Road Signs Picture Diary

Blaine Younger

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The Buster’s show will be an acoustic song-swap with Blaine Younger. Look for the flyers soon.

Sick again

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What in the hell is wrong with me?I’m under the weather againAt least it waited until after last night’s showOne of the best I’ve ever playedThanks again to everyone who had complete attendanceI can’t remember the last time more than a few people were there for the ENTIRE showGreat bar, great crowd…I’ll be back There’s […]

Two shows this week: Bobby T's tonight, Leonardville Saturday

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I’m finally looking forward to the Bobby T’s open mic tonight. I got word that a bunch of people are planning on it. It should be a fun time. Anyone wanting to get in on the caravan to Stillwater tomorrow for the 4020 / Chris Knight show better contact me soon. We’re going to lock […]

Windows Media Player 10

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Can’t anyone write a good song anymore? I’ll get to that shortly. I downloaded Windows Media Player 10 a short time ago. I think it is fantastic. I eliminated both PowerDVD and MusicMatch Jukebox from my computer. That makes two fewer applications I have to have installed because Windows Media Player now incorporates a DVD […]