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Agriculture, skepticism, politics

Aaron’s recent posts

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< ?php $i=array(); $doc = new DOMDocument(); @$doc->load(‘http://feeds.feedburner.com/auctioneertech/mJPx?format=xml’);
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$doc = new DOMDocument();
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$i[‘atb’][‘pubDate’] = date(‘j F’,strtotime($i[‘atb’][‘pubDate’]));
$i[‘at’][‘pubDate’] = date(‘j F’,strtotime($i[‘at’][‘pubDate’]));

AuctioneerTech< ?php echo $i['atech']['pubDate']; ?>< ?php echo $i['atech']['title']; ?>
< ?php echo $i['atech']['description'];?>

AuctioneerTech< ?php echo $i['atb']['pubDate']; ?>< ?php echo $i['atb']['title']; ?>
< ?php echo $i['atb']['description'];?>

AuctioneerTech< ?php echo $i['at']['pubDate']; ?>< ?php echo $i['at']['title']; ?>
< ?php echo $i['at']['description'];?>
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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-04

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-09-27

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Fair and balanced

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In the last video we posted, CNN covered how Fox promotes the protests of our administration rather than covers them. CNN thinks there’s an important distinction, and I can’t help but agree.

Today’s nugget features proof that Fox not only promotes the protests, but they attempt to exacerbate them. The lady in the green is a Fox producer.

Thanks to Valleywag for providing more Fox coverage that makes you wonder why self-respecting person would watch Fox News or believe thier propaganda.


Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-09-20

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Fox News gets pwned by CNN

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They used to be fodder for only shows like the Daily Show, but now Fox News has become so ridiculous and outright silly that other news agencies are realizing that the Fox News downward, falsehood-spreading spiral is actually news itself.

Fox News is NSFW

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It takes a tough man to make a tender forecast.
