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Agriculture, skepticism, politics


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8:00am report for marketing class to have a pep talk and listen to war stories
11:30am break for 90 minutes to login with VPN to work
1:00pm report for ethics class, taught by an auctioneer claiming how he bids on behalf of the seller or himself without disclosing to the buyers where the bid is coming from and disagreeing how there is any ethical issue involved
5:00pm leave for dinner, driving several other big auctioneers
7:30pm leave Scotty’s Brewpub by foot for pickup
7:35pm discover no pickup, look for phone number under "towing enforced at all hours" sign
8:30pm drive pickup home from wrecker impound yard, after paying $125
8:45pm sit down, late for meeting with rock star auctioneer planning to form Nevada Auctioneers Association, soon to be joined by NAA president
10:45pm leave for Nick’s bar
11:00pm meet Jesse Meeks and begin playing pool
11:30pm see hot, drunk girl at her 21st birthday party
11:45pm think about the danger in which the birthday girl finds herself
11:50pm think about sisters
1:40pm finish pool, watch birthday girl leave with friends who may or may not take care of her
2:00pm arrive back to Indiana University Memorial Union with Jesse
2:10pm begin watching West Wing, season 5, episode 3
2:15pm enter log

Tomorrow I bail on the CAI fun auction to head for Indianapolis to see Jack Christy’s auction. Jack’s a good guy. He taught my CES class in Overland Park. I look forward to seeing Christy’s auction.


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Hello from Indiana
Long way from home
Big campus
Big union

Long drive to get here
Stopped in St. Louis to see Kyle D.
Got lost
Somewhere after the "over the river" part
Before the woods

Chilln, watching Al Franken on the Colbert Report
Finally sorting some old emails
And some old friends

We had a class on listening yesterday
Residential real estate at auction was this morning’s seminar
How to write auction proposals was this afternoon
The best auction educational program in the world
And they’re teaching some wrong concepts
Who am I to tell an old, rich auctioneer that he’s wrong?

You lost a hotel?

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Good morning
Just a quick note
G and I are playing Buster’s tonight

Saw McClure at Longhorns last Thursday
Linville opened
Dusty was there, among others

I got Wade Bowen’s latest CD
Filled with superstition and pop country
Lookout Nashville

Gotta scoot

Single malt

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My first weblog from Vista
It was single malt scotch night last night at G’s
They had some watered down ashes in a green bottle
It tasted like someone captured the smoke from a tire fire
Bottled it and distributed it
And someone had the dumb-ass idea of importing it from Scottland and calling it…
You know….it wasn’t that bad.

Thanks to everyone who came out to Buster’s last weekend
I’ve never seen a beer bottle coming at me
I’m glad it didn’t hit G

My clutch went out in my truck on the way home
It was a lucky weekend
I pwned n00bs at poker
And three days later my clutch started working again

My first weekend off since November or December
Bring me a bottle of wine

More bikes, Jed?

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Big weekend ahead for G and me
Headed to Buster’s
G’s bringing a crowd from Manhattan
At least that’s what he’s putting out
Jim and Mason say "hi"

Bad news, too
I had to cancel both Trail Ride and the Goat Bash
The Goat Bash is Jim’s fault
Trail Ride is Trevor’s fault
My friends are all getting married
And scheduling their weddings on my show dates

Read this for fun times and combines http://www.combineforums.proboards42.com/index.cgi?board=MF&action=display&thread=1139358057

Don’t worry
One show left on the books
The next shows are secret

How to clean a DVD

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Rent a DVD that is too scratched and smudged to read
Get angry
Wipe it on your shirt
Try it again
Wipe it on your jeans
Try it again
Clean with Dawn and warm water
Dry with ion pump from Raytheon aircraft
Notice soap and water residue on disc
Try it again
Wash it again
While it is still wet, run to find an old CD drive in a computer running Vista somewhere
Notice drive isn’t plugged in
With computer running, hook up ribbon cable
Hook up power supply, noticing how it shuts off the computer immediately
Hit button on front of computer, noticing how little effect it has
Worry that your computer is fried
Flip switch on back of computer a few times
Hit button on front of computer, noticing how little effect it has
Turn switch on back of computer to the I position
Turn on computer by pressing button on front
Now that the DVD has dried enough to leave water residue, wet it down again
Bring it back to computer and insert it into drive
Once it spins up to speed, it has ruined your drive, but the DVD is now dry and lacks residue
DVD will now play
Repeat process with the rest of the DVDs from West Wing’s first season

Mile markers

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East on I70
Junction City
Mile marker 300
Headed to Salinas, Lord
Late for a seminar
Mile marker 299
Kansas Auctioneers Association
Typing, driving
Listening to Ryan Adams
There goes Big Dogg’s
I wonder what happened to that bar
And the owners
Mile marker 298
Went to Topeka this morning to meet with the big guns at the Kansas Highway Patrol
I think he could tell I was a little under the weather
I’m starting to feel better now
Mile marker 295


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There is nothing sexier than a woman
Who is tring to make a case
No matter how wrong
About politics

I like Republicans, remember?