Just finished the auction. 8:30. We need more merchandise. Just booked a show at Busters. Rick gave me hell about the hidden track on my CD…He doesn’t like the dead time between I Drink Alone and the last song…his CD changer won’t skip and keep music rolling. I guess he gets a special edition. I […]
9 August at Buster’s Saloon in Sun City, KS
22 March at Buster’s in Sun City
This is the big weekend, folks. Come spend the final weekend of spring break at Buster’s Saloon in Sun City. A short drive west of Medicine Lodge lies the coldest beer in Kansas, served by the fishbowl. Chivalrous Productions will be there in full force, recording the event for the upcoming live album, “Coffee Grounds”, […]
New Music Available
I’ve been sitting on a bunch of recordings that were made at Buster’s last year. For 200 Miles and Archipelago, these recordings are the only incarnations available. I threw some covers up as well. I’d appreciate any comments. By the way, I’m aware of the bug when you try to view the details. I’m working […]