So, in an effort to try to make Twitter yet even more useful, I added everyone in Manhattan to my “following” list. I found this link on one of their tweets. It’s a Photoshop thread and is quite good.
Anthony Lake
What a time we had yesterday at the lake of Anthony! We gave away the ballance of the Republican shirts as they, like the song, have a hopefully limited lifespan of about 199 days. Guse opened up with some face-melting balls-rock. 5 minutes later…. So I’m pounding away here at the house, getting ready for […]
Power hop
Softball and graduation
Archipelago video
From Bobby T’s in Manhattan, Kansas, on 29 March, 2008, this video of Aaron Traffas Band playing Archipelago features Aaron Traffas, Mason Powell, Chris Goering and Lucas Maddy. [youtube][/youtube] For more YouTube goodness, view this gem. Rob told me about it the other day. It’s for all you asshole racists out there. This shows how […]
Today I received two copies of Kansas English: The Journal of the Kansas Association of Teachers of English. The twice-yearly-published compendium includes poems, song lyrics and essays from a range of authors in Kansas. This issue featured “Red Dirt Farm” on page 65. Thanks for G to getting it listed and sending me copies. ATS […]
Saturday Nights and Sunday Mornings
I’m not a fan of commercials. I know that not really anyone is, but I’m pretty good at being immune to any and all forms of direct and indirect product placement. Yesterday on Facebook, however, I got my ass kicked. Facebook has been experimenting with different kinds of advertising techniques with varying degrees of success […]