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I do my best to read as much news as I can, sharing the important bits so that the stories appear in the now-right-hand column here on the website. Over the last 24 hours, the big news was the launch of, a new search engine that many posited would soon be nipping at the […]

Best blonde joke ever

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I normally dislike blond jokes, and jokes in general are more of an annoyance than anything respectable, but sometimes there are exceptions worth making. We sold over 1300 items in Olathe on Saturday, setting a record not for the number of lots but for the number of hours in a Purple Wave auction squarely at […]

Do not follow this link

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Pictures are posted in the images section from the last three shows. Anyone else see a striking resemblance? In other news, some friends from work had a little fun with some coworkers and me for the Purple Wave Christmas party. For the love of God, do not follow this link.

Purple Wave Radio now online

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Purple Wave is now broadcasting The radio station is up and running. Try it and send any suggestions for improving the service to [email protected]. The better this station becomes, the more exposure local artists will have on it.

Hear Aaron on internet radio!

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Aaron has recently been asked by Purple Wave Auction Co. to have some of his music played on the new, up and coming Purple Wave Radio internet radio station. Look for more details to be posted soon.