“What do you want me to do?” she asked. It was May 29 and Diane and I were debating two urgent issues. Would we let Nolan play baseball in the season that was about to start and would we attend my niece’s first communion that weekend? I’ve been furious at Kansas for opening up like […]
Magazine is broken iPad
Big thanks to Eric Williams for pointing me to this video. I don’t completely accept the premise, but its interesting to think that my son may never have a print subscription of any kind.
Is nitrogen in tires a scam?
I was in Manhattan, Kan., waiting on my truck to be serviced about two years ago when the salesman at the service station brought me a brochure. It touted the benefits of filling my tires with nitrogen. I had never heard of such a practice, so I read the entire brochure with amazement. It seems […]
A letter to KMUW
This letter was originally published to SkeptiKan. I’ve never been more disappointed (actually, I don’t think I’ve ever been disappointed in KMUW) in KMUW than I was with this morning’s story on chiropractic and CAM. The story was one-sided and, quite frankly, misleading. From the story: “I don’t think it is really in dispute at […]
Comic takedown of global warming denial
Image via Wikipedia Phil Plait ran this story yesterday on his Bad Astronomy blog. It’s a pointer to a great summary of the science of anthropogenic climate change and how it’s been attacked by the media more than it’s been explored. Enjoy. Darryl Cunningham Investigates Climate Change
Ancient and Oriental medicine
Image via Wikipedia While it seems like an oxymoron, the concept of ancient medicine has always been a moneymaker for con artists and bamboozlers. I have no idea why, but for some reason, many of the more gullible among us can be convinced that older remedies are somehow more valid than modern medicine. A very […]
Kansas skeptical community finds a home at skeptikan.com
Mason Powell’s been spearheading the creation of a skeptical movement in Lawrence. Late last week, we launched a new website at skeptikan.com. Here’s my introductory post. I read Carl Sagan’s “The Demon-Haunted World” when I was in high school. At the time, I wasn’t aware of any formalized skeptical movement, but the concept of using […]
What is homeopathy?
Huge thanks to my friend Kevin Rutter for sourcing this video. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYqQ_n2vOOI[/youtube] hotauctioneering.com