The details have solidified for Saturday’s Junefest show. The show will start at 8 p.m. at the Peace Treaty Pageant Grounds east of Medicine Lodge on Highway 160, south of the golf course. The tickets – available at the show – will be $5 and will directly benefit Relay for Life. The show will feature […]
Streaming video
Still testing video to see if we can make it happen tonight. If it works, we’ll start broadcasting sometime between 6 and 7. [embedded video player and chat removed after conclusion of event]
Tubby's tonight, Palin as President
Maddy and I are playing at Tubby’s in Aggieville tonight at 6 p.m. Come out and get some food and have a good time with us (read: keep us company). If you can’t make it, here’s a nugget for you:
Bobby T's, Manhattan, Kansas
Aaron Traffas Band at Bobby T’s Bar and Grill
Longhorns Saloon, Manhattan, Kansas
Supporting Brandon Jenkins
Bobby T's, Manhattan, Kansas
Aaron Traffas and Lucas Maddy live at Bobby T’s Bar and Grill in Manhattan, Kansas.
KAA Private Party, Wichita, Kansas
Kansas Auctioneers Association summer convention
Harvest break
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