Watching the first press conference I’ve seen in years. President O is a welcome change. # House party tonight…Watching House and 24 starting at 8:30. Anyone welcome…dm me for info if you don’t have the address. # Curse you President O for bumping House tonight!!! If I’d have known you were going to do that, […]
Aaron’s tweets for the week
Springsteen just had a heart attack. # He’s really wishing he remembered his inhaler. # Curse you, Janet Jackson, for sentencing the Super Bowl to a decade of classic rock. # I’m going lower tunnels, through mid to B. # @timseley First time I’ve listened to one of the songs…not bad at all. I like […]
Aaron’s tweets for the week
@dreamnotoftoday too bad she doesn’t have a sexy name. Sapphire Smith would be better. On the main stage at @FoxNews. # Finished up a new theme install for One of these days, I’m going to make my own. # @scbidcaller I use WordPress. It’s very simple to install on your website so long as […]
Aaron’s tweets for the week
Twitpic is down. # – @dpoe playing Wii on the new plasma TV. # In a meeting at #purplewave # Settling in for a day of Perl and coffee at #purplewave # Finished House. Getting ready for 24. . # Windows Media Center’s guide’s description of tonight’s 24: “Jack takes matters into his own […]
Aaron's tweets for the week
Aaron's tweets for the week
Headed to Kites to eat with @dpoe # Gearing up for a week of bug fixes after two months of new development. # Listening to the latest Mike McClure Band CD ‘Did7’ loudly on my new home theater sound system. # Wow. Seesmic is so easy! # Just finished an interview with Scott Musser […]
Aaron’s tweets for the week
@timseley What is your podcast about? in reply to timseley # seems to be down. Not even a fail whale. # @LawrenceChen Which version of the remix are you using? I tried Ubuntu-eee but ended up going to stock Ubuntu with the kernel from in reply to LawrenceChen # @traffase I can’t find […]
Aaron's tweets for the week
Sick as a dog, wrapped up in bed, watching season one of Numb3rs and thinking it’s the best science show on primetime. # Just ate an apple. Now the waiting game begins. # Trying to compress a week’s worth of work into today and wishing Twitter supported Opera 10 on Linux. # @dreamnotoftoday I remember […]