Aaron Traffas Band at Bobby T’s Bar and Grill
I'm running for president
Streaming live on aarontraffas.com
Flash is bad, m'kay
Flash is a very bad way to build websites. It’s not only about SEO. It’s about usability. For the same reasons that mature developers don’t use “fly-out” or “drop-down” menus, you shouldn’t use Flash because it requires you to do one of two things. You can either alienate the growing minority of users using alternative user agents or you can “sniff” to find out what the user is using and deliver one site if the user is using Firefox on a Mac and another site if the user is browsing using Internet Explorer on Windows Mobile. Either option is a bad decision.
Properly designed websites keep usability in mind for 100% of possible users. They’re made with semantically valid XHTML and CSS. They don’t start animation or sound without the user clicking somewhere to request it. They don’t require the user to download something special like Flash or Java. They load faster because of the lighter page weight caused by separating the markup (XHTML) from the layout (CSS). They have a good navigational structure that doesn’t rely on drop-down or fly-out menus. They can be browsed effectively with a text-based browser or screen reader. They are very well-indexed on search engines because they’re so accessible.
Flash does have one redeeming quality. It is the current, defacto standard for video distribution. Until Silverlight gets out of diapers, it appears we’re stuck with Adobe’s pile of steam for now.
Vote for Paris
Longhorns Saloon, Manhattan, Kansas
I do my best to read as much news as I can, sharing the important bits so that the stories appear in the now-right-hand column here on the website. Over the last 24 hours, the big news was the launch of Cuil.com, a new search engine that many posited would soon be nipping at the heels of Google. It’s pronounced “cool”. I’m assuming that domain was taken.
Techcrunch was quick to point out that it was important not to misspell it and type www.culi.com.
While ‘traffas’ consistently returns aarontraffas.com on Google, this site returns nothing but Sweedish results, a function at the very least of not accounting for geography. When I tried “aaron traffas”, the first result was a “page not found”.
Purple Wave returned a bunch of deep links, but not one link to our home page.
It looks like it has a ways to go. Perhaps it’s currently more useful to misspell it after all.