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Agriculture, skepticism, politics


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What a wild weekend
Jefferson City
Dr. Kyle Dohm’s wedding
It’s weird to have your best friend get married
I’ve known him since his mother taught us preschool
Now he’s an optometrist and a Navy Lieutenant
Tyler and Stan and I were the only guys in the wedding party without papers
Weird. I wish I remembered the last hour of Saturday night. The stories I hear aren’t exactly becoming.
I am becoming a big fan of bridesmaids, though. I wish more of my friends would get married.

Today G and I drove to Sharon. We picked up the equipment for the Mike McClure Band show in Solomon on Friday. Everyone is invited. Email [email protected] or call 620.886.1538 for details and directions.

We got back to town and knocked out one of G’s aforementioned sad bastard songs. It’s going to be good.


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Had a rockin’ good time at Buster’s Saturday
Last show before harvest break
If you were in the crowd, you are mean
We had a great crowd…in numbers

We didn’t have any hecklers
We didn’t have many clappers, though
The first time they clapped I told them to take some penicillin for it
I guess they did

After hours was fun
Buster’s Other Side
Met some new people
Randy Rogers was there
Or at least someone who could have pass as him
I kept trying to get him to play some tunes on my guitar

Had a bunch of drunk show-booking requests
I’m waiting by my phone

There have been a lot of wrap-ups lately. I finished Angels and Demons the other day. I wanted to finish it and re-listen to DiVinci Code before going to watch the movie, but I don’t think I can wait. We’ll probably go watch it tonight. 24 had it’s season finale last night. Rock. I watched the last two episodes of Boston Legal as well. Fantastic. I’ll probably finish Alias tomorrow. It’s a shame they’re putting it to rest. I saw a teaser for Justice with Victor Garber. I’ll try to watch it, but he won’t be the same if he’s not Jack Bristow about to kill someone by creatively attaching jumper cables to someone in a dark room.

Kyle’s wedding is this weekend. Back to the hills and trees of Missouri. I’ll be hiring a republican with a shotgun as a body guard. Maybe I’ll just take G.

I’m looking forward to harvest break. Two weeks of solitude in, what is rumored to be this year, fast wheat. G and I are going to do some Had a rockin’ good time at Buster’s Saturday
Last show before harvest break
If you were in the crowd, you are mean
We had a great crowd…in numbers

We didn’t have any hecklers
We didn’t have many clappers, though
The first time they clapped I told them to take some penicillin for it
I guess they did

After hours was fun
Buster’s Other Side
Met some new people
Randy Rogers was there
Or at least someone who could have pass as him
I kept trying to get him to play some tunes on my guitar

Had a bunch of drunk show-booking requests
I’m waiting by my phone

There have been a lot of wrap-ups lately. I finished Angels and Demons the other day. I wanted to finish it and re-listen to DiVinci Code before going to watch the movie, but I don’t think I can wait. We’ll probably go watch it tonight. 24 had it’s season finale last night. Rock. I watched the last two episodes of Boston Legal as well. Fantastic. I’ll probably finish Alias tomorrow. It’s a shame they’re putting it to rest. I saw a teaser for Justice with Victor Garber. I’ll try to watch it, but he won’t be the same if he’s not Jack Bristow about to kill someone by creatively attaching jumper cables to someone in a dark room.

Kyle’s wedding is this weekend. Back to the hills and trees of Missouri. I’ll be hiring a republican with a shotgun as a body guard. Maybe I’ll just take G.

I’m looking forward to harvest break. Two weeks of solitude in, what is rumored to be this year, fast wheat. G and I are going to do some colaboration on some new songs with hopes of finally getting into the studio. Look out. Here come the sad bastard songs.on some new songs with hopes of finally getting into the studio. Look out. Here come the sad bastard songs.

Fox hunt

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We hit it hard Tuesdee
G and I, Bohn, Annie, the crew…
Single malt samplers
Little Apple style

We ended up at Gumby’s
I was talked to by a gorgeous girl who seemed to know me
I recognized her the next day
Oh, what a jackass am I

Watched the West Wing finish Sunday
What’s next? Aaron Sorkin’s West Coast.

Tried to upgrade a server tonight
I failed like a Republican foreign policy

Check out Angels and Demons
Dan Brown is a genius

"The entire network of news anchors hired to be the press secretary…"
-John Stewart, The Daily Show, referring to FOX News

Two down

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We had one hell of a time at Neighbars in Hays. Exposed to a bunch of people.

Jim’s wedding was good. I got to see a live polka band. I thought they were all dead.

We played Bobby T’s on May 2. The pre-party was good and the show was better.
It was the most packed that bar has been on a Tuesday in four years.
They told us we could have any Tuesdays we wanted.
Any musician reading this can see the humor in that.
A big thanks to Bobby T’s, though, for hosting a great party.

Trevor’s bachelor party Thursday night was an interesting time. It was good to see so many I hadn’t seen in so long.
Thanks to Pete for driving and getting out of the ticket after the casinos. Dusty, you missed a hell of a party after the casinos.

I woke up in Lawrence on Friday
Made it to KC by noon to get my truck
Back to M-town by 3:00pm in time for Dr. Deloyce McKee’s party
I left G’s sunglasses
Left for the Shades of Gray [sic] show
Big party, big party
The boys with the blue shirts and silver stars waited until 12:30am this year to shut down the big one
That’s a whole 3.5 hours longer than it lasted last year
They were cool about it
Let Greg off with a noise violation

Last night Josh and I went to Trevor’s wedding in Kansas City. It was a very nice wedding with the most fancy reception I’ve ever seen. I’m sure you’ll hear the details once he gets his website functional again.

I’ve been worthless today
Cleaning, eating, working on the websites
Listening to Angels and Demons
Dan Brown’s book before he put out Da Vinci Code
I made it through the first third today
It sounds just as good as the next one
Who cares about truth?

I only have three more weddings this season
Down south they have hurricanes
Here, we have wedding season
I think the new rule is that weddings should be between January and March
Stay away from harvest
All of you thinking about inviting me to your wedding
Consider yourself warned

Blog this

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So G tells me it’s a retarded cat, not a blind cat. I’d have corrected myself sooner, but I just can’t write anymore. I’ve been keeping up with Trevor’s audioblog. You should check it out.

I’m headed to Jim’s funeral. I mean wedding. G and I are playing tonight with Shades of Grey at Neighbars. I was thrown out of there, once, with the Mad Cows. I haven’t been back. We’ll see how loud we can get tonight.

Thanks to everyone who came out Wednesday to the show at Duffy’s Thanks to Daffy for reminding me about the Irish drinking songs that Josh gave me a few…many years ago.

Rock me mamma like a candy cane.

More fun than watching a blind cat

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Well it was a so-so Easter
Jesus came out of his cave
Saw his shadow
Now we have 40 more days of Lent

We played a band show Saturday night at Buster’s. Thanks to everyone who came. I appreciate Dusty sitting in with us. I think we may just have to keep him around for a while. You know, if we hire enough people, I can just run sound.

This week brings another practice with Chuck, auctions Thursday in Manhattan and Saturday in Hutchinson, a bachelor party in Hays Saturday night, and a show in Lawrence on Sunday.

What do you think of the new website?
Tell me at [email protected]

Nuked melon

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What a n00b am I
We were 1 for 2 last night
Revamped the website, score
Send email without breaks, whiff

Sitting at G’s, chillin’, grillin’ and waitin’ on Quillan
I never thought I’d ever write something like the above

Biggity-big show on Saturday
EasterBuster – and you know how often I decorate my text with bold and emphasis

We’re going to start a band pool
Betting on when we run them out of Bud Light
I’m going to say 10:45


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When you are either controlled by or fear absolutes, you have absolutely lost control.

Missouri has a bunch of hills and trees. I-44 found me thinking of Deliverance and hoping my truck wouldn’t fail.

I ended up with about 1800 miles this week. It felt so good to get out of the area for a while.