I hope everyone else got up at 7:00am this morning to hear Discovery return safely. If you didn’t, you should pay more attention.
God bless John Scopes
Just when I thought Bush couldn’t get any stupider… Our fearless leader says we should teach the “theory” of intelligent design alongside the “theory” of evolution. Let’s go to class, people. There isn’t a “theory” of intelligent design. At least, most educated scientists wouldn’t recognize it as a theory any more than they would call […]
Doing lines…
…of pepper. Seriously. We’ll get to that. I was blown away by Stoney and Jeremy at Longhorn’s on Thursday. Chivalrous Productions should have their new website up within the next couple of weeks. We had a very good time as always last Friday at the Rail in Hays. Blaine’s band came out, as did JD’s. […]
PJ's and Stoney
I had a much larger crowd at PJ’s last Tuesday than I expected. Thanks to everyone who came for, well, coming. Saw Chris “G” GoeringMade the move to ManhattanWhat the hell was he thinking?May be playing some bass for the ATBSwinging tremolo style Hays tomorrow for another installment of the We Hate Country Music tourGot […]
Cheating time
Mason says hi. Actually, he says “cough, sniffle, wheeze”. For those of you who have forgotten to read the band log, he’s been pretty sick lately. While our prayers are with him in that he either gets better or gets better drugs, the shows for now are booked as acoustic, solo shows unless otherwise noted. […]