I hope everyone had a happy Independance DayI didI didn’tI did and didn’t A coworker broke my 1983 Brougham that serves as my backup transportation and the starter went out in my pickup toward the waning days of harvest. I found a new one on eBay for less than half the price of one from […]
From the cab to the stage
Cut wheat?
Kiowa New Holland
I might not make it home tonight
Wretchedness began to intend to impend
Rain delayBack to harvestAnd yet not quite Three auctions in four days last weekNow back to the farmOne combine readyMine is still knockingSpent most of the day yesterday isolatingRear beater has some playGoing to run it until it blows up I’m so behind on phone callsJuly and August are nonetheless fillingI’ll try to be regular