- Show starts within the hour! (@ Woody's) http://4sq.com/dB7idT #
- 1997 Ford Contour GL | Manhattan, Kan | no-reserve auction on Wednesday, December 15, 2010 | #forsale | http://t.co/qJbRnON #
- Love it. | YouTube – Logitech Revue with Google TV – Kevin Bacon http://traff.as/LP #
- @EricaHops Not the biggest McLachlan fan, but that album is pretty solid. #
- @jdschultz Me too. Not quite as nice as twitter.com, I think. #
- @jdschultz At least @tweetdeck in Chrome doesn't require Air. #
- Wikileaks latest offense http://traff.as/LR #
- The Grinch scene from the Glee Christmas is over the top. #
- Loved Oh The Humanity, Rudolph! on Boxee http://bit.ly/fO7zQ5 #
- Dr. Pumper http://bit.ly/eTv5Vr #
- Get Ready http://bit.ly/gjHk9l #
- Finally digging in to Californication Season 3…liking it so far. #
- Photo http://bit.ly/dRMVHN #
- Being a Good Editor Means Being Opinionated About Everything [Writing] http://j.mp/hpeJra #
- Drive me! | http://traff.as/contour #
- Two Cow Garage – Jackson Don't You Worry http://ff.im/-uX2Kb #
- just constructed a query that is sure to piss off my database. #
- Its for medium cats. // Pet Product FAIL http://bit.ly/gFFVf2 #
- Use of a Bobcat FAIL http://bit.ly/fIJlVl #
- Dear Facebook friends…please fix your pictures. The carton avatars are just creepy. #
- http://yfrog.com/gzn0jvj Another cold morning. #
- @bpiflier Today's AdverRyting was money. Nice work. #
- Yes, please! // Star Trek Enterprise Bridge 6×10 Giant Wall Mural – Wall Sticker Outlet http://traff.as/st #
- Thus begins a weekend of taking my in-laws hunting…or are they taking me? #
- @dN0t There are worse things in life than sharing on Boxee, I would guess. #
- My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Ryan Adams & The Cardinals (72), Two Cow Garage (41) & Old 97's (37) http://bit.ly/9P1d2t #
- I'm at Bonefish Grill in Wichita, KS http://gowal.la/c/36AfY #
- I just unlocked the "You're not in Kansas Anymore" badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/fuE0m3 #
- @dN0t If you run for office, your Boxee shares aren't going to be priority one for your damage control team. :) #
- Coolest thing ever! // The Princess Bride: Now With Lightsabers! http://bit.ly/dTwpsI #
- Not sure, but my first impressions of hunting are that it'd be better if you could sleep in. I'll know more when I leave the house. #
- Dave and @craigapoe in the box http://yfrog.com/gz2flkj #
- Shots fired. #
- Kansas sunset http://yfrog.com/gzasjpj #
- Craig got one http://yfrog.com/gzkipsj #
- Instagram http://ff.im/-v59Ls #
- I'm at The Blue Goose (102 main, sharon). http://4sq.com/crIQKC #
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