Looking forward to this weekend’s show at Bobby T’s in Manhattan…new shirts came in yesterday. I’ve been telling everyone that the ATB is a rock band now…we’ll see if it helps. There’s something metaphorical about leaving country music that’s explained by the video below. We’re breaking out, but we might just hurt ourselves…
Today marks the completion of my server migration away from Lunarpages. Finally having moved aarontraffas.com to new new servers is a weight off of my shoulders.
We had a great time last night with a little house party, and while I spent nearly the entire day yesterday cleaning the garage, today was spent in a far less productive manner as I nursed my hangover and watched about 10 episodes of 30 Rock.
If finally started using Flickr. I’ve been holding off because it’s a Yahoo! property – and everybody hates Yahoo! – but I relented because Twitpic is too primitive and feature-barren to reliably handle my photostream.
I hope you enjoy the new site. The search engine now searches not only this site, but all the content I create on other sites as well. Take it for a spin.
@willtmc Wish I'd have seen the request during the show…just now looking at the tweets…I would have played Long Black Veil…great song! in reply to willtmc#
Looking at Opera's 5×5 grid of my speed dials causes my heart to race…get the new version of Opera at http://www.opera.com/next#
@stbain Opera was first to have the speed dials – later copied by Chrome which was copied by Safari – new Opera allows 25 on one screen. in reply to stbain#
@stbain There's also a FF plugin called "speed dial" that lets you have dial groups. It's nice, but FF on Linux is slooow so I don't use it. in reply to stbain#
@EricaHopTen I wanted to buy some T-shirts…finally got a response after a second email saying they no longer do orders by phone or email. in reply to EricaHopTen#
Playing with the new Facebook app for #palmpre. Getting ready to watch District 9 in 30 minutes. Is it any good? #district9#
I just got done watching Starship Troopers 4: District 9. Bigger budget, less nudity, better writing…still nothing but bugs and guns. #
Media Convert is a free and easy format changing service http://ff.im/6Wi9e#
@OverCoffeeMedia You should switch all your email to Google Apps for your domain. I've never liked web host email services. in reply to OverCoffeeMedia#
@EricaHopTen I don't have Illustrator so this is a gold mine for me. I'll be able to pull things into Inkscape on Linux and make changes! in reply to EricaHopTen#
The problem is that if the music is located at www.aarontraffasband.com and my technology and auction content is at www.auctioneertech.com, will there be enough content for aarontraffas.com? Oh, yes…skepticism and politics and farming, oh my! How’s that for a trifecta?
If you a haven’t joined the fan group or the fan page on Facebook, I invite you to do so. We’ve had over 120 new members join in the last two days, so we’ve got the big mo going for us.
Finally, I’m headed to Hays tonight for a show at Professors. Check the new shows page on the ATB site for upcoming shows…this site is going to be overhauled several times in the course of the next month or two as I play with it without fear of anyone noticing what’s going on. Cheers.
@nmallare I don't know how long I'm going to stay with the genre, but it's a nice break even if just for the week. last.fm > pandora for me in reply to nmallare#
They're probably pretty similar. last.fm does the same. I've got my eye on Spotify…might be the winner when it's released in the US. #
@nmallare They're probably pretty similar. last.fm does the same. I've got my eye on Spotify…might be the winner when it's released in US. in reply to nmallare#
@nmallare Things are going well. New company focus on equipment changes priorities. It's pretty exciting, actually. You're with Spidertel? in reply to nmallare#
Auction Podcast 19 with Jeff Johnstonbaugh just finished – look for it Monday. Skype-to-Skype provides amazing quality vs. Skype-to-phone. #
RT @CobraCommander: Maybe if I just stay drunk all summer I won't even notice the movie? #
@jdschultz Jeff did a great job. He understands the industry and they're doing some great things with their products. It'll be a great ep. in reply to jdschultz#
New podcast. Just booked a show in Hays, Kansas, on August 15. Going home this weekend to plow. It may not get any better than this! #
Never go with a hippie to a second location. – 30 Rock #
@cw_jones Good to meet you, Carlton. If they had their own accounts, I could add them to auctioneertweet.com. Why do you tweet for them? in reply to cw_jones#
RT @joshstegmaier: "News Corporation Ltd intends to charge for all its news websites…" http://tinyurl.com/m4pdxd #goodluckwiththat #
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