We’ll be streaming video from the Bobby T’s show on Saturday night at aarontraffas.com. Simply come to the site and you’ll be able to view the video feed. It’s the first time we’ve done it, but we’re looking forward to being able to provide a new way for those of you who can’t make it to the show to be able to see it.
On work
Bobby T's Bar and Grill
Spring shows
We’re finally getting back on track for the spring tour. The shows this weekend will take us to South Central Kansas and Western Kansas.
Friday night, February 22, we’ll be at the newly remodeled Plum Thicket in Kiowa, Kansas.
Saturday night, February 23, we’ll be at Professor’s Steak House in Hays, Kansas.
More shows to keep in your calendar:
Saturday, March 29
Full band show
Private party
McPherson, Kansas
Saturday, April 19
Aaron Traffas with Lucas Maddy
Bobby T’s Sports Bar and Grill
Manhattan, Kansas
Saturday, April 26
Goat Bash 2008
Goat House
Manhattan, Kansas
Sunday, April 27
Country Kansas Singer Songwriter Showcase
Aaron Traffas, Lucas Maddy, Blaine Younger, Russell Lovenstein, Ryan Tittsworth
Bobby T’s Bar and Grill
Manhattan, Kansas
That’s it for now. Fly on.
John Edwards
My guy threw in the towel while he still had a ghost to give. I can’t decide now who to officially hope for. I honestly think that Obama has eight great years as president some day and if the next eight years are his, he will do an enormous amount of good for this country. I do, however, think I would vote for Clinton based on her experience and her association with another great US president. I think she would be able to most quickly and efficiently change the course of this nation. Unfortunately, as my friend Rob Spectore pointed out to me, her negatives are so high that she could in fact lose an election that should be a given for my opposition party. With this regard, supporting Obama seems to make sense. I don’t matter, however, based on the buzz in the Little Apple and whatever other rumors come my way across the plains of Kansas. Everyone’s already talking about Obama.
Saturday Bobby T's
I won’t be there. Lucas “Squirrels are Fun” Maddy, however, and Russell “Love Rusty” Lovenstein will be drinking it to ye. Rock the cash bar. Say hi to the greatest bar tender in Kansas for me. Lucas will think I’m talking about him. Don’t tell him, Greg.
Diane and I are rolling to Wichita for her brother Dave’s wedding. We’ve loaded the Zune with West Wing episodes for the drive down. Between those hits and the XM channel POTUS 08, I’ve got my political drugs set to keep me on a progressive high until election day.
I’m going to be checking walmart.com hourly tomorrow to be the first one to order a Cloudbook. It’s got to be the coolest thing I’ve ever wrapped my mind around. An ultra-portable sub-notebook with a 30GB hard drive that runs gOS, an Ubuntu Linux variant, for $399. At that price, they’re disposable.