This video will blow you away.
Merry Christmas
I normally dislike blond jokes, and jokes in general are more of an annoyance than anything respectable, but sometimes there are exceptions worth making.
We sold over 1300 items in Olathe on Saturday, setting a record not for the number of lots but for the number of hours in a Purple Wave auction squarely at 12.5 hours. A long day indeed, we started at 10 a.m. and finished at 10:30 p.m., packed up and came home braving the wintered roads making it back hours after midnight.
It was the first away auction in a long time that I wasn’t scrambling to make things go correctly. The last auction found me coding well into the third hour of the event before I could relax and know that our item presentation display wasn’t going to break. I could relax at this auction, which went quite smoothly, knowing that the improvements to our systems are starting to pay off.
I was reading my RSS feeds this morning. I finished with the most recent post from my friend Rob’s weblog, entitled Dream Not of Today. The blog post was entitled Boobjob. In it, he referred offhand to the “frozen wastelands of Kansas” and I thought to myself, “what a dickish thing to write about my state”. I turned off my Treo, opened the bathroom door, walked out to the living room and looked outside my Manhattan, Kansas, house.
Sections of town were closed off that I, in my eight-year tenure in the Little Apple, had never seen closed. Limbs had fallen on cars. Windows were broken, bonnets crunched. The main power grid was offline for many hours. My sister expects power restoration in days, not hours, as a tree fell on the line coming into her house and is a lower priority than repairs that will themselves restore heat and power to multiple houses.
I was fortunate to retain power and Internet throughout the day. Spending the day coding and helping friends with their weather-induced hardships, I welcomed the relaxing, though slightly annoying, change of pace.
I just put up some more videos and pictures of stuff and other things.
Pictures are posted in the images section from the last three shows.
Anyone else see a striking resemblance?
In other news, some friends from work had a little fun with some coworkers and me for the Purple Wave Christmas party. For the love of God, do not follow this link.
Ok, so I’m still hung up on Charlie Wilson’s War. I’m so excited.
Winding down at another Purple Wave Christmas. It was a very good one this year. 70+ people in the middle of the war zone that is the renovation on the new Purple Dome. It already feels like home and they don’t even have all the walls put up yet or the offices built. It’s going to be a great year. I look forward to next.
There is a very interesting article on Slashdot today saying that non-competes are the DRM of human capital. I never really considered how non-competes stifle innovation. Like a song made invaluable with DRM to any device other than that which it was meant for, a non-compete discourages progress by locking a person into, or out of, a specific career. I didn’t know that California doesn’t enforce non-competes, as the article attributes some of the success of Silicon Valley with this progressive, innovation-encouraging policy (if it’s true). I guess when I quit alternative country, I’ll have to dig ditches rather than play screamo.