Twitter updates for 2008-05-08

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Server fixed. fsck you. # Trying to fix a server with a bad filesystem. Thank God it’s Linux-based. I’d hate to have to turn around and spit to fix a Windows Server. #

Twitter updates for 2008-05-07

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We just uploaded the pictures from this year’s Goat Bash. It took two Facebook albumns to hold all 120 images. Start your tagging! #

Twitter updates for 2008-05-05

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Sprained my right ankle again playing softball. Final score Purple Wave 4, other guys 33…after 3 innings. We have some work to do. #

Twitter updates for 2008-05-03

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beer + chainsaws = treemow! Lucas and I are cold and drunk and scarred and hungry. Eating now, more later. #

Twitter updates for 2008-05-02

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has anyone ever heard of the movie Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow? # we just passed a white guy with corn rows on a bicycle…carrying a 10 gallon fish tank. # heading for Sharon, rocking the stage trailer…Maddy and I fishtailing all the way home. #

Twitter updates for 2008-05-01

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As I get older, I’m realizing more and more the truth of the old adage "ignorance is bliss". The stupider a person is, the happier he is. #

Twitter updates for 2008-04-30

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it used to be that $20 would last me for a week. I couldn’t make $20 last me through a 2 day road trip without digging for extra quarters. # Kansas would be more fun if I wasn’t the only one with a Twitter account. #