- http://twitpic.com/2cp9l – Smirking as I get ready to sing in the quiet room of East Hall studio… #
- http://twitpic.com/2cpef – Mason Powell, Aaron Traffas and Chris Goering on the back deck of East Hall Recording studio in Fayetteville. #
- Aaron’s tweets for the week http://ff.im/1F2HF #
- Auctioneers on Twitter in Bloomington: be sure to use the hash tag #CAI on all your posts! #
- Just got up from much-needed nap after getting back from recording session Fayetteville. Much left to do tonight…blog posts and pictures. #
- Baby names http://ff.im/1Fob9 #
- Re: phpList provides free and easy bulk email list management http://ff.im/1Fxsd #
- NAA’s Hannes Combest launches blog http://ff.im/1FCs4 #
- Click here, don’t break the back button http://ff.im/1FDQG #
- Re: Click here, don’t break the back button http://ff.im/1G1iZ #
- @Hcombest What course are you teaching tomorrow? in reply to Hcombest #
- @dreamnotoftoday What was the name of the Indian place to which you took me in the Mission District? in reply to dreamnotoftoday #
- Trying to get Aaron McKee to use Twitter…everyone follow @cliquidator – maybe he’ll listen to me. #
- Is anyone else having problems with Twitter and SMS at the moment? #
- @cliquidator Did you take that picture with your phone?!? in reply to cliquidator #
- Getting ready to get pummeled. Serious hail headed our way, from the looks of it. http://bit.ly/yCkAc #
- you should follow @cliquidator, @dreamnotoftoday, and @dpoe. 7 more picks at http://twibes.com/?r=T1 #
- Hail now starting in Manhattan. #
- Now the sun is already out. It was hailing five minutes ago. I love Kansas! #
- Wow…Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope already has a page on Ubuntu Guide! http://tinyurl.com/d8p2ly #
- @dreamnotoftoday You get a chance to listen to the new song yet? It’s a scratch vocal track…I was pretty stuffed up. Thoughts otherwise? #
- @dreamnotoftoday Anybody doing any catching yesterday? in reply to dreamnotoftoday #
- @Hcombest McQuisiton is great. Many of his concepts are applicable to NAA! #CAI in reply to Hcombest #
- @cliquidator Look who’s a professional Twitter user right out of the starting blocks! #
- @pgauctioneer is rocking the #CAI hash tag…are you? #
- Web developer position in Manhattan, KS http://bit.ly/k1l1S #
- Tweetdeck is by far the best windows client, even if it is based on Adobe Air. icky… http://bit.ly/9w8ty #
- @dpoe What have you been doing? in reply to dpoe #
- Done with meetings for today. Going to try to get some coding in today and tomorrow before I leave for Bloomington! #purplewave #CAI #
- @cliquidator Let me know if you need company…my day wasn’t nearly as good. in reply to cliquidator #
- Can’t wait to talk about the importance of plain-text email at Indiana University! #CAI #
- So this will the the first time I’ve not had a vehicle in Indiana. How does one get from the IND airport to the IU Student Union? #CAI #
- BAS designation – Benefit Auctioneer Specialist http://ff.im/1HTUC #
- @cliquidator Here’s the link: http://snurl.com/ei5ey #
- Fantastic article. Facebook should not let users dictate design. re: http://ff.im/1IgVu #
- LOL…love Phil’s posts. re: http://ff.im/1Iizd #
- RT @carldcarter53: Houston Chronicle’s laying of 12% of its people – 90 in the newsroom. They’ll..focus on “aggressive online coverage.” #
- RT @timseley: my grumpy old guy pet peeve #153: if you have my e-mail address then use it… don’t facebook message me #
- Loading up to head for KCI, then on to IND and Bloomington! Hoping to make the middle of the fun auction tonight. #CAI #
- @auctionwally how do you define professionally? in reply to auctionwally #
- RT @dreamnotoftoday: Gerund #fail – http://twitpic.com/2fplf (twitterrific) #
- http://twitpic.com/2frqz – Why is the Kansas City International airport MCI? #
- Wheels down at IND…Bloomington, here I come. #CAI #
- Alley Insider is running story that Twitter confirms subscription accounts on the way. #
- @dreamnotoftoday The voice of the people is the voice of…a dog? #
- http://twitpic.com/2gmnu – Class I at #CAI #
- Auction Podcast Episode 17 – Starting bids for Internet bidding http://ff.im/1JWKI #
- http://twitpic.com/2h0x4 – just finished teaching at #CAI…they’re taking tests… #
- Welcome to Fridee. I’m trying to decide if I should catch my could-be-delayed flight or hedge my bets and hitch a car ride back to KS. #CAI #
- Brazil’s president blames economic crisis on “blue-eyed white people”. Sorry about that. My bad. #
- http://twitpic.com/2hwft – Marc Geyer addressing the final session a few minutes ago. #CAI #
- @ericholderness Yes, but it won’t happen for a while. in reply to ericholderness #
- I follow @cliquidator @hcombest and @themediaisdying #followfriday #
- RT @carldcarter53 Atlanta Constitution cuts 90 full time news staff, on top of 48 part-timers earlier in week. http://www.overcoffee.com. #
- Enjoying some lovely Japanese from Naked Tchopstix at the new IND airport. #
- Boarding Southwest 227 for Chicago and then on to Kansas City. #
- Still on ground at IND…nearing 30 min past scheduled departure. #
- Just bounced into Chicago Midway Airport. #
- Boarding Southwest 227 in Chicago for Kansas City. Flight delayed 15 minutes but not yet cancelled. #
- Anyone know a Windows Mobile Twitter client that supports search? #
- ETA at MCI for WN227 is 15:13 CDT. http://www.flightstats.com FTW! #
- Down at MCI! Manhattan bound…there by 6:30. #
- Leaving MCI on a west-bound four-wheeler into the blizzard. #
- Thanks to the nice lady KU grad from Chicago who bought me drinks on the plane. #
- RT @dreamnotoftoday: “Note to journalists writing about Twitter – we fucking know its 140 characters already.” in reply to dreamnotoftoday #
- If you’re a publicist or marketer and are using Twitter for someone else or a business, you don’t get it. #
- Getting ready to root for KU. #
- Damn you, KU… #
- I’m playing bass for an ad-hoc show tomorrow night in Kingman, Kan., at the Cocky Fox…a nice, family establishment. Come watch the PUG! #
- I’m dreaming of a white Easter. #
- @traffas will have 185 followers in 30 days according to TwitterCounter: http://twittercounter.com/traffas?p=30 #
- @stbain and the rabbits freeze their balls off. in reply to stbain #
- Still snowing in Manhattan, Kansas. It started last night. I’m glad I have a four hour drive today through the path of the storm. #
- Show tonight in Kingman has been canceled. Going to spend the day working on a new web property with possible launch in a day or two. #
- @mayoauction I’m puttering around today, working on some WordPressing of my own…I’d be happy to provide assistance if you’d like. in reply to mayoauction #
- Playing with the Twitter API and learning about PHP objects. #
- @dreamnotoftoday I started using @tweetie yesterday and agree that it’s much better than Twitterific. in reply to dreamnotoftoday #
- Wahoo!!! RT @OverCoffeeMedia New post: Christian Science Monitor posts last edition http://cli.gs/pAa4VH #
- @dreamnotoftoday Last print edition. in reply to dreamnotoftoday #
- @dreamnotoftoday National Guard allegedly activated near Kingman for search and rescue. Melting fast here in Manhattan, a lot left to go. in reply to dreamnotoftoday #
- Getting ready for last minute benefit auction. “Let them eat cake”. Where can I get a crown, royal robe and sceptor at this hour? #
- http://twitpic.com/2k0dg – This cake has a roof. I’m not kidding. #
- http://twitpic.com/2k2nd – #
- http://twitpic.com/2k3ar – Aaron selling cake #
- I just bought the cake with the roof! #
- Settling in to watch a movie…new WordPress auctioneer plugins – yes, working on more than one – will have to wait until tomorrow. #
- Kathleen Edwards – The Cheapest Key http://ff.im/1Now6 #
- Son Volt – Windfall http://ff.im/1Now9 #
Baby names
see more pwn and owned pictures
Aaron’s tweets for the week
- Aaron’s tweets for the week http://ff.im/1wTEA #
- @CarolinaAuction I just sent a remix of the radio ad to you. Let me know if it works or if you want me to change it while I have the rig up. #
- Like TwitPic but for video. Keep it under 12 seconds. re: http://ff.im/1wZZq #
- AARE designation – Accredited Auctioneer Real Estate http://ff.im/1x5hY #
- Two Cow Garage – Swingset Assassin http://ff.im/1xfAO #
- Cory Branan – Miss Ferguson http://ff.im/1xfAP #
- Putting the big mow on some salmon we grilled. Nom…nom… #
- RT @Babendroth: if you don’t know and love Lucero you missing out..try Tennessee or Nobody’s Darlings..they’ll change your life #
- Had enough of Sunday. #
- The Refreshments – Nada http://ff.im/1ycbd #
- RT @palm_inc Vote today: #MeetPre most anticipated gadget of 2009: http://tinyurl.com/bdrhka #
- Skybook Facebook client for Windows Mobile http://ff.im/1yZJy #
- Live video from the Apple announcement: http://qik.com/video/1260331 #
- iPhone 3 offers cut and paste, application push, new APIs, landscape support, multiplayer games via bluetooth. #
- …email improvements, MMS support… #
- …new Spotlight search home screen with updated search across all applications… #
- @IowaAuctioneers Go with Proxibid. in reply to IowaAuctioneers #
- @NotoriousTIMP You mean the physical, slide-out keyboard on the new iPhone? ;) in reply to NotoriousTIMP #
- Old: iPhone < Palm pre ||||||||| New: iPhone <= Palm Pre #
- RT @PalmGoon: Palm forces Apple’s hand in Smartphone War http://palmgoon.com/?p=293 #
- Web, IT Developer position open http://tinyurl.com/dz7smz #jobs #
- Palm Pre still looks better than iPhone 3.0. Any news of release date for the Pre? #
- @HartkeRecords I’ll take a look at it! in reply to HartkeRecords #
- 86 degrees in Manhattan. We have yet to turn on the AC. My server room is a sauna! #
- RT @colderICE RT @blukentucky: eBay ..Fixed Price…Auction sales http://tinyurl.com/d6cn2z #
- @weebeast Anyone with horrible GSM coverage. :( in reply to weebeast #
- Sync Facebook contacts to Windows Mobile, Outlook http://tinyurl.com/cnq7cq #
- RT @OrionNE: @ddenson Oh my. IPhone 3.0 Looks like Palm Pre got apple running scared. The finally giving what should have been. #
- http://www.twitterfall.com addiction is rivaling that of viewing the daily stats for http://www.auctioneertech.com #
- I’m so happy there is another song titled “Auctioneer”. So sick of the old one, this is such a breath of fresh air! #
- Wow… tweetmyjobs.com doesn’t have a category for Kansas jobs. It goes from Israel to KY. KC was as close as I could get. #TweetMyJOBS #
- Military firearms and gun auction tomorrow. http://tinyurl.com/cgzont/category/ALL #
- This is exciting. re: http://ff.im/1AVpc #
- $50 AdWords coupon in my inbox from Google. I just became an AdWords user. Look for the ads for AuctioneerTech http://www.auctioneertech.com #
- CES designation – Certified Estate Specialist http://ff.im/1Buma #
- RT @dpoe Just got pulled over for a cracked windshield and i dont have current insurance with me! – better go bail out my girlfriend… #
- Five auctions today- Internet only of: equine, real estate, and coins/collectibles/vacuums; live auctions of firearms & consignment tonight #
- RT @joshstegmaier Woo! Purple Wave on MSNBC: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29724763/ #purplewave #
- Another article about Purple Wave – http://www.rgj.com/article/20090306/CARSON/903060305/1003 – better than MSNBC – #purplewave #
- First of five auctions over – Internet only Equine auction is done with posted prices. http://tinyurl.com/cc8cc2 #
- Internet Explorer 8 just dropped. #ie8http://tinyurl.com/dzxh35 #
- NAA’s CES designation – Certified Estate Specialist – http://tinyurl.com/cwdsgl #
- Don’t forget Developer Tools—like Firebug built-in. re: http://ff.im/1CewK #
- This is amazing…hacking craigslist for an auction! re: http://ff.im/1CewL #
- Poor man’s auction software – Craigslist and Google Docs http://ff.im/1Cj1q #
- Welcome to spring. New camera and weekend-trip to Fayetteville to record music means Twitpic spam for the next three days…watch out! #
- Leaving for Lawrence then on to Fayetteville to record three songs! #
- @cliquidator follow me. #
- Internet Explorer 8 officially released http://ff.im/1DxZz #
- Have a great piece on why minimum Internet bids should always be $10. I’d post to http://www.auctioneertech.com tonight if I had Interne … #
- @timseley Tim, how do you answer that question? I’m curious myself…and a little in awe of the speed you guys churn out material. #
- @dreamnotoftoday You going after the bounty on the serial shitter burner? #
- @timseley I don’t know how you do it. I end up trying to kill the other person when I co-write. I guess that’s why I write two songs a year. #
- @dreamnotoftoday w@@t! Did they mention dnot? You getting traffic? #
- http://twitpic.com/2awki – Diane is so happy to get the back seat to herself on the way to Fayetteville! #
- @dreamnotoftoday All I remember is that the movie itself was poor. #
- Hello from Fayetteville! Three words…Ar Kan Saw. #
- @scbidcaller oh my…wish I was there…you going to hang around for the week? in reply to scbidcaller #
- We just failed to find the Walmart in Bentonville, Arkansas. Found the DC and offices and the ‘neighborhood market’, but no supercenter. #
- Mason Powell is driving us back from recording session in Fayetteville. http://twitpic.com/2cnf5 #
- http://twitpic.com/2co6a – I played electric guitar on two tracks last night. Here I am with amp in the other room. Weird. #
- http://twitpic.com/2coac – Chris Moore at the helm of his AMAZING East Hall studio. Note the mirrors on the monitors. #
- http://twitpic.com/2comr – Mason Powell and Chris Goering in studio yesterday. http://www.easthall.com #
Aaron's tweets for the week
- Aaron’s tweets for the week http://ff.im/1pssR #
- Some people don’t understand that the pro-life position is actually to support stem cell research so we can save… re: http://ff.im/1r8fH #
- Guy Clark – L.A. Freeway http://ff.im/1rgrk #
- Stirring up hate and discontent on Facebook. I shouldn’t let myself get sucked in, but it’s so hard not to! #
- Billy Joe Shaver – Black Rose http://ff.im/1tEqH #
- Welcome to Friday. eBay’s John Donahoe says “We are not a retailer.” I say, “Yes, you are.” Anyone still use eBay for secondary market? #
- Playing a band show tonight at Pat’s Blue Rib’n in Aggieville in Manhattan, KS. Show starts at 10. Come party with us! #
- Old 97’s – Timebomb http://ff.im/1v5QH #
- Kathleen Edwards – In State http://ff.im/1v5QI #
- Uncle Tupelo – No Depression http://ff.im/1v82k #
- Leaving work to load equipment. Band show tonight at Pat’s in Aggieville will feature me, Lucas Maddy and Mason Powell. 10pm, 21+, cover? #
- Ryan Adams – Shallow http://ff.im/1v9Zx #
- Opera web browser version 10 alpha http://ff.im/1vYmb #
- @dpoe bowling at the KSU Student Union. I’m hoping to break 70 myself. http://twitpic.com/23nsf #
- I just bowled a 64. I’m going back to the Wii. #
- @traffase Teach Megan how to use Twitter while you’re out there…start sending pictures on TwitPic of the funs! #
- @wefollow #tech #blogger #podcast #
- Watching Vicky Cristina Barcelona. Rebecca Hall > Scarlett Johansson #
- Rebecca Hall in Vicky Christina Barcelona looks like @calilewis with longer hair. #
- RT @wm_eddie: Bleh, Firefox on Linux is too slow. I can’t wait for Chrome or Epiphany to release. In the mean time, I’m using Opera. #
- Google is shutting down Shared Stuff. How do I share cool websites without stooping to Delicious or Stumbleupon? #
- RT @nicksummy: Can you hear me now guy surprises Verizon customer: http://tinyurl.com/5wky48 #
- Goodbye, Pi Day. http://www.piday.org/ #
- Can you stalk me now? http://ff.im/1wrdC #
- @ahess Lucero. You won’t regret it. in reply to ahess #
- RT @Yardboy: All I want for the Ides of March is a Palm Pre. #
- @dreamnotoftoday When is your deadline for the video project? http://tinyurl.com/bo8lgq #
- Spinach and mushroom omlet from Early Edition…nom…nom… #
- @LawrenceChen I’m not a fan of Eeebuntu. I’m running full Ubuntu on the EeePC 901 with the kernel from array.org…everything works great. #
Can you stalk me now?
What would you do if a hundred dorks showed up while you were on the phone?
Verizon Wireless Surprises Customer – Watch more
Aaron's tweets for the week
- Aaron’s tweets for the week http://ff.im/1hs1g #
- Home in Manhattan, KS http://tinyurl.com/6n6apk #
- Live maps fail, methinks. Goodnight. #
- @twosecondsaway I’ve heard good things about BlueHost. Lunarpages hosts all my sites, but can be sometimes unreliable. Rackspace is king. in reply to twosecondsaway #
- Welcome to Monday. Foxmarks becomes Xmarks and may win race to sync bookmarks across all browsers…if they support Opera. No word yet. #
- Safari 4 for Windows takes the lead as the most beautiful browser ever. Ctrl+pageup still doesn’t switch tabs and Xmarks won’t support Win. #
- Safari 4 copied the worst feature of Chrome: form resubmission on browser back…I won’t be using either Chrome or Safari until its fixed. #
- Palm still hasn’t released a date when I can get the Pre. Now they’re acting like it may be later than the previously-rumored ides of March. #
- RT @michaelmutter: http://twitpic.com/1twns – Thats how we roll @ pwave #purplewave #
- @jdschultz I hope the Palm Pre is released before May. I’ve seen several reports that favored 15 March, though I’m afraid it will be later in reply to jdschultz #
- @lunarpages Hacked site reported to support 15 minutes ago. Still awaiting a response. in reply to lunarpages #
- @jdschultz The new Safari has the same problem as Chrome that makes me not use it: it won’t handle the back button for form results. in reply to jdschultz #
- Auction Podcast Episode 16 – Interview with Dwayne Leslie – Global Auction Guide http://ff.im/1kmC0 #
- lol re: http://ff.im/1lti8 #
- I’m sure that Obama got pissed that YouTube was advertising other presidents after his videos finished playing. re: http://ff.im/1luUH #
- Yet another reason not to use PDFs…especially in conjunction with Adobe products. re: http://ff.im/1mpEB #
- Like dataopedia, but more polished. re: http://ff.im/1mpEC #
- Mac still 20% more expensive than comparable PC systems. re: http://ff.im/1mrJn #
- World Famous Auctioneer Scott Musser…Scott was a guest on the Auction Podcast, available at… re: http://ff.im/1mrJp #
- purplewave.com currently serving over 3.5 public pages per second. #
- My class scheduled our 10 year reunion for 10 June. I think I’ll take my combine. #
- Treo battery dying. Call work mobile tonight if you need me. #
- @jdschultz The stats were right before bidding closed on a couple of auctions. in reply to jdschultz #
- Another day of moving and unpacking. #
Aaron's tweets for the week
- Aaron’s tweets for the week http://ff.im/1aO3c #
- Getting ready to board Delta DL1558 for Atlanta. #
- @stbain Yeah, ats. #
- Down in Atlanta. #
- Boarding Delta 1134 for Charleston. #
- Why is threat level at orange? #
- Down in Charleston, South Carolina. #
- @stbain That would be great! Get with Harlan at HQ to set it up. #
- http://twitpic.com/1n4o6 – Suite at the Francis Marion in Charleston. #
- http://twitpic.com/1n63r – Jim ‘N Nick’s Bar-B-Q in Charleston. #
- @dpoe http://twitpic.com/1n8lh – Is it going to hold all my stuff? #
- Charleston http://ff.im/1bebo #
- http://twitpic.com/1no7p – Eating at Hyman’s Seafood. #
- http://twitpic.com/1now6 – Crispy Flounder from Hyman’s Seafood in Charleston, SC. The fins are still standing. #
- Addiction? #
- Perl is a weighted bat for PHP. #
- @dreamnotoftoday I know, but I’m wading in PHP after swimming in Perl for over a year and it feels like childsplay. #
- Here we go. Curled up in bed, watching the joint session. #
- He just used ferret as a verb. Bush never used ferret as a verb. He used ferret as a meal. #
- Can I vote for this guy tomorrow? I know it’s not exactly in season, but it wouldn’t hurt anything, would it? #
- She Crab Soup. Yum. #
- This rabbit is yummy. #
- http://twitpic.com/1p2xf – Auctioneer Tom Jordan in Charleston at the Swamp Fox. #
- http://twitpic.com/1pbhk – ATS class in Charleston. #
- @stbain I, for one, am glad to hear it isn’t true. in reply to stbain #
- @dpoe 15 in the class, yep yep. in reply to dpoe #
- @dreamnotoftoday wtf? in reply to dreamnotoftoday #
- @twosecondsaway What time is the show? in reply to twosecondsaway #
- Boarding Delta 1980 for Atlanta. #
- Down in Atlanta. #
- http://twitpic.com/1psrf – Waiting yards short of the terminal in Atlanta for God knows what. #
- Boarded Delta 380 for Kansas City. Up in 15 min. #
- Down in Kansas City. #
- Looking at new database server quotes from #rackspace #
- I’ve owned my Eee PC netbook since August and I learned today that it has a multi-touch touchpad. :( #
- AuctionWally calls out eBay CEO http://ff.im/1gBgm #
- http://twitpic.com/1rhwx – Eating at the Brio restaurant in kC with Erica, Megan and Diane. #
- http://twitpic.com/1rifh – Erica, being wooed by the desert salesman at the Brio in Kansas City. #
- Midwest Republican mascot and radio personality Paul Harvey dead at 90. And now page two… #
- Watching @twosecondsaway in Mission, KS. #
- Welcome to Sunday. Nothing like a little Star Trek with the morning blogging. #
- Auctioneers report zero growth in 2008 http://ff.im/1hmRq #
- @CarolinaAuction You did fine, Tom. I got your email. Welcome to Twitter! in reply to CarolinaAuction #
“I’m sorry”, she said. And she meant it.
I awoke early this morning. It was cold, but not the bone-numbing cold that oft plagues Kansas winters. I unloaded my equipment at the storage unit, having played a show Friday night and traveled to Lawrence yesterday for practice, only to return too late and too tired to unload it last night. I updated a couple of scripts for Purple Wave and packed my things for my trip to Charleston this week to teach another Auction Technology Specialist course for the National Auctioneers Association.
My departure from Kansas City International Airport was uneventful, and as I find myself in other airports I find my impression of KCI to be less and less the gargantuan complex unlike any I’d ever seen and more and more the small-town convenience store that reminds you of home whenever you get the opportunity to stop by.
- Image by FLC via Flickr
We arrived in Atlanta after a surprisingly short flight. I spent my time working on a new WordPress auction management plugin I conceived this morning, causing me to scramble to install LAMP on my Asus EeePC before leaving Manhattan. I barely had time to learn how to integrate with the WordPress admin before we were told to turn off all our electric devices. I smiled, knowing my phone was on in my bag in the overhead compartment.
- Image via Wikipedia
I glanced at the layout of Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport in the complimentary Sky Mall magazine and saw how it looked like several buildings separated by an underground train. The magazine, though well-intentioned, gave no impression of scale. The Atlanta airport has, for the last 10 years, had the most number of passengers over the course of the year of any airport. In the world.
I entered on one end of one of the long terminals and spent what felt like a half hour walking the length of it to find my connecting flight. I stopped once in the middle as I realized that I couldn’t see the end in the direction I was walking. I looked behind me and couldn’t see the end in that direction either. While it may not be the size of Denver’s airport, it sure had a staggering amount of people. I can only imagine how large it really is and hope next time I return to have time to travel between the terminals on the train.
We boarded another McDonnell Douglas MD-88 and I no sooner got out my computer before we were descending to Charleston. My first impression of Charleston, located between the Ashley and Cooper rivers as they lead into the Atlantic, is that of a water town. I wasn’t prepared for the amount of waterways and rivers as I should have been knowing I was headed to a city on a delta.

The Francis Marion Hotel is located on Marion Square across from the old Citadel, the skyline of which I could make out in the dark, city-lit sky. It’s an old hotel, unlike the vast majority of lodging I’ve experienced, with evidence of multiple paint jobs, electrical outlets in the baseboard – much more like a grandmother’s house than a modern resort.
Like the hotel, the rest of Charleston reminds me of the past, at least the past from the movies. Robert Mayo and our southern guide Tom Jordan from North Carolina and I left to find some food. From the cobblestone roads to the arrangement of the wares in the various shops we passed, the feeling of an impending, deep history was only broken by an Apple store, as anachronistically out of place as the Delorian in 1885 Hill Valley.
We elected to eat at a barbecue joint called Jim ‘N Nick’s Bar-B-Q. The waitress took our order and left, while Tom and Robert began to debate the benefits of the vinegar-based barbecue of the South versus the tomato-based sauce we love in Kansas City.
When the waitress returned, Robert ordered a rare steak. She did a visible double-take as she asked, “Rare?” Tom explained that Robert is from Kansas, making the obligatory addition regarding our preference for meat that is still animated and perhaps even vocal.
“I’m sorry,” she said. And she meant it. She didn’t mean it like I mean “I’m sorry” when I say it to someone when I find out he owns a Macbook. She didn’t mean it like I mean “I’m sorry” when I say it after spilling my drink on my friend’s lap. She meant it like I say “I’m sorry” when I learn someone’s father has just passed away.
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