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Agriculture, skepticism, politics

Twitter updates for 2008-05-03

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  • beer + chainsaws = treemow! Lucas and I are cold and drunk and scarred and hungry. Eating now, more later. #

Twitter updates for 2008-05-02

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  • has anyone ever heard of the movie Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow? #
  • we just passed a white guy with corn rows on a bicycle…carrying a 10 gallon fish tank. #
  • heading for Sharon, rocking the stage trailer…Maddy and I fishtailing all the way home. #

Twitter updates for 2008-05-01

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  • As I get older, I’m realizing more and more the truth of the old adage "ignorance is bliss". The stupider a person is, the happier he is. #

Twitter updates for 2008-04-30

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  • it used to be that $20 would last me for a week. I couldn’t make $20 last me through a 2 day road trip without digging for extra quarters. #
  • Kansas would be more fun if I wasn’t the only one with a Twitter account. http://www.twitter.com #

Twitter updates for 2008-04-29

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  • Leaving Pueblo with $120 in diesel. #
  • Driving the streets of Pueblo, Colorado, enjoying Mountain Time, looking for a pair of humpback whales. #
  • Pueblo’s Motel 6 left the light on for me. #

Twitter updates for 2008-04-28

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  • I just found out my great aunt just passed away. #
  • bouncing on the bad road between Oakley and Sharon Springs…I should have stayed on the interstate. #
  • Driving to Colorado, back Tuesday night. #

On a Thursdee at Longhorns

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Maddy and I are sitting here, alternating single-scotch with the bottles of beer, watching this girl digging Russell Lovenstein. We’re playing the Goat Bash on Saturday with a ton of beer and friends. Sunday at Bobby T’s. Here’s Lucas to see how he does with a Treo log…

Maddy here now…thinking that the goat bash and sixteen kegs of beer may have legitimate claim as a ton of beer…research to follow…

20 minutes later…

2560 lbs of beer. That’s assuming a 160 lbs keg..they range from 155 to 165, so light beer, which contains less alcohol, which weighs less than water, actually has more water..so light beer is heavier…who would have thought.

10 minutes later…

Aaron now. We just had a discussion about beer, its alcohol and sugar and what makes light beer light. We decided we don’t know, but that 16 kegs is a metric-fuck-ton of beer

Lucas: So we agreed to jointly blow it out our ass.

Aaron: My foot is asleep

Lucas:and my beer is warm.