Aaron’s tweets for the week http://ff.im/2dK86 # Enjoying using Acidrip to backup’home DVDs to files using 2 clicks per movie. # Playing Tiger Woods 09 on the Wii with @traffase # Settling in for Star Trek IV with my girl. Can’t go wrong with an even-numbered Star Trek. # RT @stbain: 900lb database gorilla (Oracle) […]
Aaron's tweets for the week
Aaron’s tweets for the week http://ff.im/24wtb # RT @jdschultz: Rumors Sprint being trained in demonstrating Palm Pre, street date of late April, early May http://tinyurl.com/dx97w8 # Digging in for a long week, full of new things. #purplewave # Very saddened by sudden death of auctioneer Danny Ratcliff. I will miss his participation, contributions in the […]
Aaron's tweets for the week
Aaron’s tweets for the week http://ff.im/1W5jO # Getting ready for a Star Trek movie marathon in preparation for the May release of the new film. # RE: Deep Thoughts From an Intellectual Lightweight (Part 2) http://ff.im/1Wgsy # Cooking some swordfish and asparagus. # @OverCoffeeMedia Nice work on the blog theme. You take the header picture […]
Aaron's tweets for the week
Aaron’s tweets for the week http://ff.im/1NukY # AuctioneerTweet.com – launch! http://www.auctioneertweet.com # RT @auctionwally How to find an auctioneer? On Twitter of course: How to find an auctioneer? .. http://tinyurl.com/dk7hu7 Thanks, Wally! # Whiskeytown – Dancing with the Women at the Bar http://ff.im/1NN8z # auctioneertweet.com featured at http://www.examiner.com – thanks, AuctionWally! re: http://ff.im/1NQHX # Settling […]
Aaron's tweets for the week
http://twitpic.com/2cp9l – Smirking as I get ready to sing in the quiet room of East Hall studio… # http://twitpic.com/2cpef – Mason Powell, Aaron Traffas and Chris Goering on the back deck of East Hall Recording studio in Fayetteville. # Aaron’s tweets for the week http://ff.im/1F2HF # Auctioneers on Twitter in Bloomington: be sure to use […]
Aaron’s tweets for the week
Aaron's tweets for the week
Aaron’s tweets for the week http://ff.im/1pssR # Some people don’t understand that the pro-life position is actually to support stem cell research so we can save… re: http://ff.im/1r8fH # Guy Clark – L.A. Freeway http://ff.im/1rgrk # Stirring up hate and discontent on Facebook. I shouldn’t let myself get sucked in, but it’s so hard not […]
Aaron's tweets for the week
Aaron’s tweets for the week http://ff.im/1hs1g # Home in Manhattan, KS http://tinyurl.com/6n6apk # Live maps fail, methinks. Goodnight. # @twosecondsaway I’ve heard good things about BlueHost. Lunarpages hosts all my sites, but can be sometimes unreliable. Rackspace is king. in reply to twosecondsaway # Welcome to Monday. Foxmarks becomes Xmarks and may win race to […]