2024 was an exciting year for the Traffas farm, with a substantial increase in acres and myriad equipment upgrades.
2023 was a mixed year on the farm, marked by a disastrous wheat harvest, continued research and trials surrounding the compost extract project, upgrades to equipment and a slightly better than average fall harvest. After last year’s drought-induced fall harvest disaster, it’s nice to end the year on some exciting and promising notes. January found […]
We sure went from getting-stuck wet to can’t-get-the-drill-in dry in a very short time. Finished wheat harvest on Friday. The combine was a champion this year… couple belts and hoses but no major problems…ran last 30 hours without a care in the world. The drill had a bushing freeze up on a row unit Saturday […]
Callan Traffas was born last night shortly after 8 p.m. at Pratt Regional Medical Center in Pratt, Kan. Both he and Diane are doing quite well today. Unlike his brother Nolan, Callan did not arrive by cesarean. He weighed 7 pounds and 11 ounces and was 20 inches long. I guess I got a couple days’ break […]
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