I had a relaxing Christmas. Having gone home a few days early, I got into one of the legendary poker games held in Sharon. Playing amongst the hardened hard-asses, I lost $40 the first night. Captain Rob Spectre happened to be home from Providence, RI, so I drew upon his reinforcement the next evening, when I won back my squandered funds.
My Christmas list was short but was everything I wanted: a new pearl snap, a $20 bill, and a can opener. My mom didn’t rest at merely the requested can opener; no, she gave me some cans of chili to go with it. I’ll eat like a king, albeit a chilliphilic potentate, for the next three days.
I was invited to Rob’s family’s place in Sawyer, KS, on Christmas day for one of those jam sessions I swore off long ago. This one, however, proved quite enjoyable and it was very fulfilling to play with Rob again, if even for a short time. He gave me a prerelease copy of his new Fireflies CD and you can be sure I’ll be listening to that for the next indefinate period of time.