I’m not sure that I fit the stereotype portrayed here just yet, but I’m noticing some disturbing trends. Thanks to Luke VanSkike for pointing me at this video.
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-21
- New post | Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-14 | #
- I just accused my wife of giving my unborn child fruit poisoning. #
- Dear iTunes Genius: When I start Genius on Tow Cow Garage, playing the Beatles is nothing but a #fail #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/imkhg4r Incredible Shade Illusion! #
- @MediaGuyCarl Nope. It auto-tweeted the title of the video….I had no control over the punctuation. #
- @MediaGuyCarl I've already used one of my two this year…I'm saving the other for the birth of my son in a couple weeks. #
- lol // RT @EricaHops: Wearing my new favorite t-shirt today. http://t.co/IPgHVrA #
- likes Sally, I've Been Shot by Two Cow Garage on Ping http://t.co/JRynMZq #iTunes #
- First full day of coding in as long as I can remember – and it felt great. #
- Massive fail by @tgw_tweets – can't pay for a purchase without giving credit card over the phone? Is this 1995? How insecure! #
- #lastfm Artists: Ryan Adams (11), Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Iyaz Akthar, Jason Howell (11) & The Hold Steady (10) http://t.co/YMZYhR5 #
- Anybody need a sand pump? // Georgia Iron Works 816D 10 x 10 sand pump | no-reserve auction on August 25, 2011 | http://t.co/X16zP60 #
- I'm going to throw a tablet if I see another story that says iPad killed TouchPad. webOS was superior to iOS in many ways. HP didn't market. #
- @TGW_Mike A Ping putter. You should really fix your relationship with Ping so that you can take payments securely. #
- @TGW_Mike I finally got it ordered using your chat system. I felt sheepish when I learned later that you were in Wichita. #
- @TGW_Mike I'll definitely come to the store next time I need something. #
- Hey iTunes, please never, ever add Bad Company to another Genius mix. Thanks. #
- Quite right. // RT @MediaGuyCarl: @traffas It isn't usually the best technology that wins, but the first technology that's good enough. #
- Plays that song that's so-illusive. #
- Factoid: webOS Runs Twice as Fast on iPads Than on TouchPads – @Gizmodo via @natedrives // http://t.co/FptJETp #
- WordPress Now Powers 22 Percent Of New Active Websites In The U.S. http://t.co/o2AW7Mm #
- Really HP? You're spinning off all your hardware but you elect to keep printers? THAT'S what you kept? #
- Happy birthday, Gene Roddenberry. #
- I just spent a lot of money at TGW because my belly putter sucked. Should I stick with it? @TGW_Corey @TGW_Mike #
- Each time I build something custom in WordPress it takes half the time I expected. Either I'm good or WordPress is. Probably the later. #
- @dN0t God I hope that's autospam. #
- @dN0t Lol. http://t.co/fQQK1dI #
- @dN0t Well she made over $10k a month working from home! No wonder they kept it a secret. #
- In a map with no AWP, the Famas is the surprise long range pain stick. #css #
- @dN0t I relapse every now and then. #
- Someone should create a website that lists places that serve Pepsi products so they're easier to boycott. #
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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-14
- What stain of a designer at Netflix thought that horizontal scrolling would be a good interface? #fail #
- Hey, @boxee, is there any way to put episodes of a series in order in the Netflix app? #
- New post | Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-07 | #
- Fun With Math of the Day http://bit.ly/rinPcA #
- I just unlocked the "Century Club" badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/oPG3OK #
- OH: "Accounting should be boring. It's when accounting becomes exciting where you know you have a problem." #
- @MikeOMearaShow I just got hiccups from laughing so hard at a bonus show. #
- @dN0t "No one wins at violent shows." #
- @dN0t Hold Steady lyric. I wouldn't know. You'll have to take me to one when we come visit next year sometime. #
- @rachelyohe You seem to be tolerant with your own capitalization, though. #
- "Blackjack's headshot" 21 OF HEARTS http://bit.ly/rkFUJr #
- STOP! IT MAKES MY BRAIN CRY. http://bit.ly/nLgDmf #
- @rachelyohe Not nearly as bad as the "U/are" combo fail. #
- Using a pound sign to represent the word "number" is like a lazy texting teen who uses the number 2 to represent the word "to". #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/sBH_fN-wb6c?a Auctioneers Designation Academy in Vegas #
- That's an even more vulgar use of the pound sign since it's lazy AND redundant. // RT @jdschultz: @traffas or sn# or vin#… Ugh! #
- My Top 1 #lastfm Artists: Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Iyaz Akthar, Jason Howell (4) http://bit.ly/9P1d2t #
- Born after 1976? You’ve never experienced normal global temperatures http://t.co/62os0dG (via @summify from @EricaHops) #
- Trailer house flipped in the wind less than a half-mile from my house. Many trees down and it seems Sprint gave up. Hoping for power soon. #
- There are FOUR lights! #
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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-07
- @djpizzle I am a sucker for scifi, and it had Indiana Jones and 13. #
- New post | Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-31 | http://traff.as/s8 #
- Whoa – Firefox #fail Can't have two separate Google accounts open in Firefox simultaneously. <3 Opera! #
- @mediatemple Did you recently raise the GPU allowance for the standard grid plan? #
- @mediatemple Thanks! #
- @dN0t Great band. You should check them out. Very raw songwriting. Wish I could make that show, but doubt I can leave the week after Nolan #
- I'm watching Star Trek III: The Search for Spock @intonow http://into.tv/i/2HH3 #
- I knew it was too good to be true. RT @mjrobbins: Hoax: "Internet Explorer users have lower IQ" story was complete bollocks http://lay.si/ds #
- @dN0t They were smoking something. I was thoroughly unimpressed. It felt like Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. #
- @dN0t To be fair, I fell asleep for about 20 minutes in the middle of it. Perhaps that was the good part. #
- @chadsmith I answer calls to my Voice number with Gmail in a browser. How is OpenVBX better? #
- @chadsmith That's impressive. I'll have to check it out. We've been looking for a business solution like this. #
- 1929 Ford Model A four door sedan | no-reserve auction on Wednesday, August 24, 2011 | http://t.co/YVGog3j #
- It amazes me how Opera with plugins and extensions runs circles around Firefox 5 with no plugins or extensions. #
- Well the 70 mph wind just inverted and broke my brand new grill. #ksweather #thanksKansas #
- Why is Merrill Teller wearing a blue wrist band? #kwch #ksweather #
- @dN0t Thanks for putting it in mine. #birdplane #
- OH: "Are there zebras in Kansas? There's no way a horse looks like that." #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/Vx6hmUv06tg?a The Axis of Awesome: Birdplane #
- @dN0t Try some diesel-flavored bird seed. #
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Harry Chapin (27), The Hold Steady (14) & Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Iyaz Akthar, Jason Howell (7) http://bit.ly/9P #
- @lucasmaddy Setlists are for n00bs. #
- Here is @lucasmaddy making a setlist…from his wall. http://yfrog.com/kexx1duj #
- Heading to @longhornssaloon. Bringing the rock. #
- Counting the utterances of the phrase "indoor voice" at Dennys after the show. #
- Parenting Tips http://bit.ly/qisvLp #
- If Social Networks Were People http://bit.ly/ncdjzD #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/LBwXl-fGjN8?a Gollum at a wedding #
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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-31
- @justinochs Every girl wants a man with a farmer tan. #
- Ag rock at 7 (@ Woody's) http://4sq.com/ppDpOO #
- New post | Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-24 | http://traff.as/s7 #
- This Is a Great Idea http://bit.ly/ndmZVO #
- Counter Strike: Source is good for the soul. #
- @jdschultz You see this? http://j.mp/nzKSH3 #
- Is it me or is VirtualBox a complete turd on the AMD E350 APU? #
- OH: "That dude has a pocket monocle …I want one." #
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: The Hold Steady (23), Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Iyaz Akthar, Jason Howell (17) & The Mike O'meara Show (7) http:// #
- I used to do the same thing. RT @dN0t: My ma uses points of ellipsis like the world period market is going to collapse tomorrow. #
- Cowboys and Aliens (@ Warren Theatres) http://4sq.com/oNgp4s #
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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-24
- From @lucasmaddy in the vocal isolation booth: "I don't even recognize this song." #
- New post | Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-17 | http://traff.as/s3 #
- Does anyone know if an hour long enough to boil a trombone mouthpiece? #
- Join me at '#140conf – Smalltown 2011' in Hutchinson and get your ticket at a discount. http://t.co/r8hwL2l #
- You know, with @netflix at $18 per month after September, it's still a stupid-cheap deal compared to cable. #
- OH: Are we doing "rock, paper, scissors" on whether God exists? #
- @pgauctioneer Nah, digital over-the-air HD. Much better signal than cable HD. #
- @pgauctioneer Oh, and it's free. #
- In #Lawrence this morning for #socialirl and the first non-auctioneer education presentation I've attended in many years. #
- @subbob Good idea. Firing up EVO wifi. #
- "Every customer is a content generator." #socialirl #
- Only 2/3 of the way to the back of the room at #socialirl and can only hear about 2/3 of what @petershankman is saying. PA is quiet w/ echo. #
- Still can only understand about 2/3 of what @petershankman says. #socialirl #
- @benasmith Next time, you should get a music store to sponsor with a PA so the back half of the room can understand what's being said. #
- @benasmith Thanks…the last change made the sound quality better, but it's also now about 30% too quiet to make everything out. #
- @benasmith Thanks for fixing the sound! So much better now with the different mic. #
- Yo, @hardees, @petershankman loves the Thickburgers – can't stop talking about them. #socialirl #
- Important! From #socialirl // "You don't want the PR guy to have access to the customer accounts." #
- Looking around at #socialirl and it hit me – people actually *still* use Outlook. #
- @bestofjess I have a hookup if you still need a cable. #
- @bestofjess No prob. I'm draining my EVO battery for WiFi as well, so I know how fast it goes. #
- Love seeing AaronTraffasBand as my SSID on the big screen at #socialirl #
- You can't avoid humor just because you're afraid to offend. @petershankman at #socialirl #
- Sweet! There's a Ghostery plugin for Chrome – best privacy plugin – http://j.mp/qNdZIt #
- Loving my new task management system using Producteev and Astrid – worth a look if you want desktop and device sync. #
- @ericahops Nice! I miss playing at Aggie Station – the Speakeasy was the greatest. #
- @ericahops I had heard that the Pig was closed/sold but hadn't heard it was opening as Station – just glad it won't be another store. #
- Attention Internet: If you want me to log in with my email address, don't call it a username. #
- Just added a studio microphone swing arm to the baby registry. #donottelldiane #
- Giving up after spending the last hour trying to set up a green screen studio. Just don't have the right stuff. #
- @dN0t He was a great guy. #
- I bought Swiftkey X yesterday. Its free from Amazon today. #
- Over 12 late-model combines are currently in extended bidding as bidders compete to buy – view at http://j.mp/nxtcsa #
- @dN0t Bahahaha….I tried to read your link and, for some reason, the content was blank. cc: @NESN #
- It's either a bid or it isn't. There's no such thing as a pre-bid, unless it's something you do before actually placing a bid. #
- My Top 2 #lastfm Artists: Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Iyaz Akthar, Jason Howell (3) & Sports Night (1) http://bit.ly/9P1d2t #
- Simply *stoked* to get to see my first combine demolition derby tonight at the Ellis County Fair. #
- http://yfrog.com/h0bqmscj Purple Wave's combine #
- Android Tablets Now Have 30% Market Share, In Spite of iPad Domination http://bit.ly/p1OFdq #
- eBay Bans Facebook Friends from Bidding on Auctions http://bit.ly/mPNpYW #
- Hit Those Things! http://bit.ly/qKuXgU #
- RT @atband: Don't miss Aaron @Traffas tonight playing a solo show at Woody's Pub and Grub in Lenexa – show starts at 7 p.m. #
- Loading to head up to the home of Red Dirt in Kansas City for tonight's show at Woody's Pub and Grub. http://fb.me/15GXaLRW2 #
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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-17
- OH: Levis jeans are made out of packing material. #
- New post | Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-10 | #
- @dN0t What browser are you using? I have no problems with a Gmail and an Apps account open simultaneously. #
- The "swap Fn and CTL keys" option in the BIOS makes this Lenovo keyboard usable. #
- If only my yard were big enough | http://t.co/2tTjwQi #
- WordPress Now Powers More Than 50 Million Sites http://bit.ly/pgmUF3 #
- Day 3 of ATS tomorrow and then it's all NAA convention for the rest of the week. Orlando is hot and humid, though… http://fb.me/RSpgYNlC #
- Michael Shermer may be the most important guest I've ever seen on Colbert. I'm so glad when I get to see science explained well in public. #
- It should be a felony to sell flavored coffee in container marked 100% Columbian. #
- Canola harvest, 2011 http://ff.im/-HPF7Y #
- Bryan Knox just crushed the national anthem. #proud #naa #csorlando #
- Streaming live from NAA Conference and Show in Orlando. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/conference-and-show #naa #csorlando #
- The cookies being given out by @liveauctions are dope. Thanks, HendersonAuctions – I want the recipe! #naa #csorlando #
- Why is it OK for people to see me checking Twitter but I hide my Facebook like I'm afraid they'll think I'm a 15 year old girl? #
- Streaming live from Orlando, the National Auctioneers Association Annual Business Meeting http://bit.ly/qy4CF8 #naa #csorlando #
- RT @midmoia I heart Christie King standing up as the new NAA President. #gogrrrl #naa #csorlando #
- .@christieking giving address as first woman president of the National Auctioneers Association #naa #csorlando #
- @EricaHops I'll invite you when I get to a computer, but it may be later today. #
- Waiting for white smoke. #naa #csorlando #
- .@ryplane Ryan George starting his presentation in Caribbean VI. #naa #csorlando #
- RT @dN0t It seems no one at TSA wants to touch my junk. Bummer. #
- @ryplane Your presentation was fantastic…sorry I had to run to another thing so fast afterwards…hope to catch up soon. #naa #csorlando #
- String quartet playing Hendrix, Smoke on the Water, and other Disco classics. #naa #csorlando #
- Him: "You know how I got an iPhone?" Me: "Did you trip and fall?" #
- #lastfm Artists: Leo Laporte, Gina Trapani, and Jeff Jarvis (2), Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Iyaz Akthar, Jason Howell (2) & Leo Laporte and #
- Roger Hansen and @cliquidator Aaron McKee starting in Boca V talking about Internet Ag auctions. #csorlando #naa #
- RT @midmoia I have a theory about the IAC. It's like a pageant with REALLY specific talent requirement and no tiara. #csorlando #bettybotter #
- Thanks, Carl! // RT @MediaGuyCarl Aaron @Traffas just blew away the room w/ his Advanced Tech seminar at #NAA Best of show. #csorlando #
- @lucasmaddy Have a good first show, rock star. #
- I never respected the Expert Traveler line at an airport. Let's just say there are advantages in Orlando that don't exist in Wichita. #
- So burnt out after a Week in Orlando, I can't bring myself to even read the news. So glad I'm flying with @mikeomearashow and Robo Defense. #
- Wichita must be the only airport with new lawnmowers on display. #ilovemyhomehilljackairport #
- Florida was definitely cooler than I find Wichita. 90 degrees at nearly 11 pm. Suck. #
- Finally home. @ ICT Wichita http://gowal.la/c/4BEke #
- @pgauctioneer You'll love Robo Defense in HD when you get your Android tablet! #
- "GOOGLE+" http://t.co/jECZwTy via @verydemotivated #
- @hootsuite You should fix your http://hootsuite.com/pro page – there's no scroll bar on Opera, so it only shows what's above the fold. #
- In studio with @lucasmady today, making sure he records his songs correctly. Honored to get to lay down a guitar track on his CD. #
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