Starting Doom 3 may have been the worst mistake I’ve made in a long time. Barely running on my machine, it brings back memories of running Doom 2 on my old 50 MHz 486 with 4 MB of RAM. It’s barely playable at the lowest resolution, the game play and, to some extent, plot are […]
Better check out a book
I’m not a food critic, mostly because rarely do I eat anything of consequence. Occasionally, though, fortune provides me with something to literally write home about. There is a place in Victoria, KS, that has fantastic food. It’s probably not much better than average to most, but most people don’t like greasy, thick hamburgers and […]
I pledge allegiance to the DNC
Hairy black holes
Stephen Hawking has recanted his prior belief that black holes have no hair. That is, all the information that is preserved when something crosses the event horizon is mass, spin, and charge. Now he says that it is perhaps possible to know a little more history than that when the black hole evaporates. He lost […]
I’m glad I’m not a dead horse
Ahhh…relaxing at the Wave Picturing merchandise Listening to a DVD I downloaded of the Counting Crows Live from Amsterdam These guys used to be a rock band right out of the garage Sometime since I became a fan they became seasoned professionals There is a calmness about them that compliments their accuracy I’m going to […]
Register 15
Just a few minor points today Less describes bulk quantityFewer describes a comparative number of pieces Less fuelFewer gallonsLess merchandiseFewer itemsLess fillingFewer carbohydratesGet the point? One more Good is an adjectiveWell is an adverbAdjectives describe nouns and nouns (or pronouns) only. Good does not describe how something works, runs, does, or sucks. I’m getting ready […]
Every now and then you enjoy something that you know that very few people in this world would enjoy as much as you do. Sometimes it’s bad, such as making customers or superiors suffer. Sometimes, though, it’s because you’re just a weirdo. I’ve just started listening to the physics lectures given by Richard Feynman at […]