- New post | Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-08 | http://traff.as/rF #
- @dN0t IMAX at 21st and Tyler #
- Vaccines and infant mortality rates: A false relationship promoted by the anti-vaccine movement http://bit.ly/meQVpk #
- Sick of being sick. #
- Kansas Public Radio let me down with their story on chiropractic (crap) and CAM this morning. #nofacts #woo #antiscience #onesided #wrong #
- A letter to KMUW – http://t.co/qsPRydR #
- Hey @unifiedscene – you can take "The Weekenders" and shove it. I haven't slept for three nights straight and that song is all I think about #
- Boxee Outs The Boxee Box 1.1 Firmware, Revamped Browser And New On-Screen Controls Highlight The Update http://bit.ly/kHDwdZ #
- Blues Traveler – Run Around http://ff.im/-Dak9S #
- @dN0t you watching the Yankees down at home to KC in 10th? #
- Thanks! RT @craigmstensaas @traffas and @LucasMaddy Sounded great at Pat's last night! A good time was had by all!! #
- RT @kmtraffas Loving tonight. Yankees are getting killed by the Royals. #
- Sleazy PR Firm Throws Scummy Facebook Under The Sordid Bus http://bit.ly/ihJRn8 #
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: The Hold Steady (65), Two Cow Garage (28) & Lucero (19) http://bit.ly/9P1d2t #
- I'm at Fred Bramlage Coliseum (1800 College Ave, Kansas State University, Manhattan) w/ 8 others http://4sq.com/kYS5yd #
- So refreshing to hear a music major sing the national anthem – that's how the words are supposed to be pronounced. #pride #ksu #graduation #
- Holly @hvanskike graduates! http://yfrog.com/h2rm7lcj #
- True. RT @dN0t Don't know why, but Palin's jackassery incenses me while Trump's jackassery delights me. #
- Steve Novella and Banachek on Power Balance bracelets http://bit.ly/lZu6a7 #
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