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Agriculture, skepticism, politics

Lights on the water

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Overtime is good. Lack of time caused by it isn’t.

I’m playing at Lawrence tonight on Mass. St. at Harbour Lights for any of you in the area.

Don’t forget about the huge 26 March, last-weekend-of-spring-break-plus-Easter-Saturday-and-I-know-everyone-will-be-looking-to-party-after-mass-on-Saturday extravaganza: the show so big I have to bring help in the way of guitarist Michael Kisner. Should be fun, folks. I’ll remind you.

God bless Chris LeDoux

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I don’t know what would more appropriately fit the Melancholy News topic. Rarely do I truely grieve for the loss of a non-family member.

Chris LeDoux passed away today.

While I’ve disagreed with most of the Nashville reformation of country music, Chris LeDoux has always been one of my favorites. He sang songs about true country topics and had the experience to back it up. I truely enjoyed his music.


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I have an acquaintance who had a friend write a paper for him on the subject of ethics.


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Wildcat Information Network

Thanks to Eryn Wood and WIN for the article.

Looking forward to Hardtner this Friday.

Looking for something to do while you’re here? Sign the guestbook. Send us feedback. Register to download the demos. Make fun of the engine-driven, non-validating, table-layout website.


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I spent the better part of yesterday afternoon on the side of I70 at mile marker 201. I lost my transmission, God rest it’s worthless soul, and I took the time to clean out my truck, sort and tape all my cords–all with heavy traffic wondering what the hell I was doing as it whizzed by at 75 mph only 40″ away.

Hays was good on Friday and we’re headed back on April fool’s day. Thanks to the group of people who recognized both Son Volt and JD Crowe. It’s people like you who make it worth my while.

226 sent

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We’re spreading Kansas country music throughout every part of the state within the next month or two.

Friday, Texas music stuperstar Trevor Burgess and I will be playing a song swap at Bobby T’s in Manhattan.

Harbour Lights in Lawrence asked me to play a show there on Sunday, to which I happily agreed.

We’re heading west to Hays for a band show at the newly remodeled Rail next Friday.

I’m headed to the biggest, baddest, Buster’s show alliteration has ever described. It’s spring break and Easter Saturday all rolled into one, and if everyone coming home wasn’t enough, everyone will be looking for something to do after Church is dismissed. Well, we manufactured a solution, folks, with a party at Buster’s.

Trevor and I have a mini-tour set up for the ides of April, so that will be oodles of fun as well.

Hope to see a bunch of familiar faces at the upcoming shows.

You’ll hear from me.


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Sorry about the record-setting, no-log-writing week. I’ve been absorbed in writing a new website for the Purple Wave. Not that anyone cares, but it’ll have a bigger, badder PHP engine and should validate as XHTML strict. I just love screwing over users with obsolete, non-CSS browsers. Actually, the site will remain completely usable, it just won’t look pretty if someone’s using an obsolete browser.

Trevor and I will be playing a show at Bobby T’s on Friday, so plan on that one. Then I head to Topeka to play computer games for money. I’m looking forward to going in to the LAN party, being the oldest one there and the only one in cowboy boots with a spit cup.


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Had a great time in Norton last night. I was pretty sick so I was drinking water. It’s crazy some of the stuff that drunk people do. Some dude tried to get into a fight with Jim. We went over to Wayne’s friend’s house for after hours. Thanks to everyone who showed up.