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Agriculture, skepticism, politics

Iowa is a really cool place

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I feel like Trevor Burgess two months ago…no log for a week…kidding. I figure I’d better update it as my people are growing restless. OK, so it’s just Tyler giving me a hard time, but I need to be more regular.

A lot has been happening. Let’s start from the beginning.

Wednesday was a great show in Salina. Breaking out the bass was a flashback from high school. It’s nice to know it didn’t take me long to remember. Hopefully by next week I’ll have figured out how to compensate for the lack of volume in the low string. I think a compressor may be in order. Anyway, we loaded out at about 2:30 and headed for the truck stop for some breakfast. I haven’t left food on my plate for 2 years. In fact, I always clean everyone else’s plates with a “you gonna eat that?” as soon as they seem to be possibly finished. This time I left 3/4 of a plate of eggs, hash browns and bacon. Those of you who know me well know that I don’t leave that kind of food behind. I hadn’t been drinking that much, but I had some kind of flu coming on and I knew it. We left and headed east. Before we hit Abilene it hit me. I executed the stupidest maneuver of which I have ever dreamt. I thought I could get it all out of the window. I thought I could overcome the vivacious wind currents generated by having one window down on a Mazda Hot Wheels edition B2200 mini-pickup traveling at 70mph. I didn’t stop driving. I regret not stopping.

After spending all of Thursday and Friday either bed ridden from the flu or trying to clean out my truck, it was time for the wedding. My boss’s sister got married on Saturday and guess whose job it was to provide the PA. Things were going great all through rehearsal. Then came the complimentary breakfast of, you guessed it, eggs, hash browns and bacon…

I was getting ready to put money on a bet that my girlfriend would dump me Sunday night, merely because she usually does after a few weeks. I was wrong. I like being wrong.

Last night saw a great poker game at my house. I won $45 which went straight to my gas tank and quarts of oil and an air freshener. I was getting ready to crawl into bed when I remembered that the poker game had taken my mind off of the Iowa primaries. I turned on the TV and…HOLY DAMN!!!!

Edwards took 2nd place!
More importantly, Dean took a disappointing 3rd. Halleluiah! Too bad Kerry did so well, but it’s better than Dean. It’s time for all of you reading this in New Hampshire to get out and vote for Edwards on the 27th. I’m going to win this for John one log entry at a time…

I think that’s about enough for this morning. I hope to see some of you in Salina on Wednesday at Martini’s. Wish Greg a happy 7th annual 21st birthday today if you see him.


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Great showing last night at Buster’s. I greatly underestimated the crowd. I didn’t take a light show. I didn’t take anything but speakers and a powered mixer for a PA. It was the best show of my life. Thanks to everyone who came, especially my dedicated friends from Pratt as well as the crew from Freedom, OK. Let’s get that show down there on the books. I’m looking forward to crossing the border with guns ‘a blazin’.

On Saturday morning I moderated the Medicine Lodge High School Geek Bowl, a.k.a. Scholar’s Bowl, and had a blast. I got the opportunity to finally apologize to my fantastic English teacher for my being an “absolute prick” in high school. Long overdue.

My girlfriend tells me that I need to make a list of things so I won’t forget them. This trip we forgot my other light bar, my bass amp and my trailer, all of which would come in handy during the next few months. Check out the calender. They just keep rollin’ in. Awesome. Later on.

You better be there, Buster!

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I’m excited to go back to Buster’s tomorrow night. It’ll be my first solo acoustic show in months and I’m planning on breaking out some old favorites as well as some new stuff. It won’t be your average setlist, that’s for sure.

It’s looking like we’ll be back to Junction City on the first Saturday of February. I can’t list it because I haven’t called them back yet, but that’s when they wanted us. Plan on it.

We booked the Page in Hays for 28 February. I haven’t been there since the Mad Cows played. Fun times, yep.

I’ll be with Trevor Burgess every Wednesday night at Martini’s in Salina. We were there last Wednesday before the bar opened for a staff party. This place is great. Very large, very nice. They’re also very dedicated to Red Dirt country and building a following for it at their bar. I’m only going to list the next two Wednesdays in the email show listing.


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We had a good show last night at Gumby’s. I was pleased with the turn-out, considering the blistering cold and the fact that it was the middle of Christmas break. I got to see many people I haven’t seen for years. Good times had by all.

We just booked the Page in Hays and will be booking another show at Junction City tonight. I tell you what, though, I’m looking forward to heading home for a show at Buster’s this Saturday. This has been the most playing I’ve done and I’m exhausted. It’ll be a nice, relaxing, acoustic show and I’ll try and break out some old stuff.

Big Dogg’s

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We had a great show on Saturday night. Not the biggest crowd, but we had as many or a few more than any other bar in town. Seems as if we’ve got something. I thought Colby may have just been a fluke, but Saturday we felt much more solid than at Colby. This may just work. I’ll see you at Gumby’s on Tuesday.

Jealousy must surely be a dragon with emerald eyes

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Damn we have a lot of shows coming up. I’m excited. Getting ready now to head to Hays for our first practice. After already having one show and with one tomorrow, I can’t imagine doing things more efficiently.

Looks like the markets have stabilized. That’s good.

Starting the new year with a new attitude on things. It’s like seeing the world through another man’s eyes or like a fog lifted and things are much clearer now.

This’ll be fun.

“I’m gonna start by sinking my sword into the dragon’s heart.” –McClure

…caught it just in time to be too late…

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So this is a sample of what I’ve been writing the past 20 hours:

$content = eregi_replace(“/cgi-bin/mnarcview.cgi?”, “http://www.purplewaveauction.com/index3.php?arcview=”, $content, );
$content = eregi_replace(“/cgi-bin/mnincview.cgi?”, “http://www.purplewaveauction.com/index3.php?incview=”, $content, );
$content = eregi_replace(“/cgi-bin/mnarcview.cgi”, “http://www.maxanet.com/cgi-bin/mnarcview.cgi”, $content, );
$content = eregi_replace(“/cgi-bin/mnarclist.cgi?”, “http://www.purplewaveauction.com/index3.php?arclist=”, $content, );
$content = eregi_replace(“/cgi-bin/mnarcsearch.cgi?”, “http://www.purplewaveauction.com/index3.php?arcsearch=”, $content, );
$content = eregi_replace(“/cgi-bin/mnarcsearch.cgi”, “http://www.purplewaveauction.com/index3.php?arcsearch=”, $content, );
$content = eregi_replace(“/cgi-bin/mnlist.cgi?purple”, “http://www.purplewaveauction.com/index3.php?list=”, $content, );
$content = eregi_replace(“/cgi-bin/mnprint.cgi?purple”, “http://www.purplewaveauction.com/index3.php? catalog=”, $content, );
$content = eregi_replace(“/cgi-bin/mnhistory.cgi?purple”, “http://www.purplewaveauction.com/index3.php?history=”, $content, );
$content = eregi_replace(“/cgi-bin/mncal.cgi?purple” ,”http://www.purplewaveauction.com/index3.php”, $content, );
$content = eregi_replace(“/cgi-bin/mncal.cgi”, “http://www.maxanet.com/cgi-bin/mncal.cgi”, $content, );
$content = eregi_replace(“/cgi-bin/mndetails.cgi?purple” ,”http://www.purplewaveauction.com/index3.php?auction=”, $content, );
$content = eregi_replace (“target=”new””,””, $content, );//Counter earlier replace (backward comp. only)
$content = eregi_replace(“http://maxanet.com http://www.purplewaveauction.com/index3.php?list=”, “http://www.purplewaveauction.com/index3.php?list=”, $content, );

The show in Junction was pretty short. Not many people there the Saturday two days after Christmas. Looking forward to next week, though.

“But break, my heart, for I must hold my tongue.” –Hamlet

What a Christmas present

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It’s funny how news can so spoil a Christmas that would have otherwise been good. Take for example, but not exclusively, the mad cow scare. It shouldn’t matter. But it does. It’s such a small facet of what is important. Or is it? Sometimes things send your world reeling that shouldn’t. Eat beef. Keep your head. Fly on.